JivoChat / JivoSDK-iOS

The Jivo Mobile SDK allows you to embed the Jivo chat into your iOS mobile applications to receive customer requests
Apache License 2.0
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Swift package manager not supported #3

Open Anubis91 opened 1 year ago

Anubis91 commented 1 year ago

Swift package manager not supported

muzle commented 10 months ago

Планируется поддержка SPM?

bronenos commented 10 months ago

We are thinking about SPM, but in the near future there is no way to do it

muzle commented 10 months ago

And please tell me how I can build .xcframework? This is necessary for the move to tuist

bronenos commented 10 months ago

And please tell me how I can build .xcframework? This is necessary for the move to tuist

I think you can read this article: https://www.appcoda.com/xcframework/

Please pay attention to "Build Libraries for Distribution" flag and "xcodebuild -create-xcframework" command

muzle commented 10 months ago

@bronenos Good afternoon, can I ask you to build xcworkspace? I'm having trouble with that. If it's not difficult for you, can you make and attach it to the release?