JiyaGupta-cs / ShopNex

React Ecommerce App
90 stars 183 forks source link

Enhancements for Footer Section #498

Open HimaniSrivastav opened 3 weeks ago

HimaniSrivastav commented 3 weeks ago

Issue Description

  1. The footer section of the application is not interactive.
  2. The "Company", "Products", and "Offices" options in the navigation bar of footer are not linked.
  3. There is no option for displaying cancellation and return policies.

Steps to Reproduce

Footer Issue:

  1. Open the application in any web browser.
  2. Scroll down to the footer section.

Navigation Bar Links:

  1. Open the application in any web browser.
  2. Observe the navigation bar of the footer section.
  3. Attempt to click on "Company", "Products", and "Offices" options.

Cancellation and Return Policies:

  1. Explore the footer for any section that details cancellation and return policies.

Expected Behavior

Footer Issue: The footer section should be interactive.

Navigation Bar Links: The "Company", "Products", and "Offices" options in the navigation bar should be linked and direct the user to the respective pages.

Cancellation and Return Policies: There should be a clearly visible section or link in the navigation bar or footer that provides information on cancellation and return policies.


Footer Could you please assign this issue to me under GSSOC'24, so that I can start to work for you? Thank you!

HimaniSrivastav commented 1 week ago

Ma'am please assign me this issue.