JiyaGupta-cs / ShopNex

React Ecommerce App
90 stars 183 forks source link

Feature #521

Open Umesh7Dixit opened 1 week ago

Umesh7Dixit commented 1 week ago

Implemented a new feature to display discounts and added border radius to the cart items.

Steps to Reproduce

. Navigate to the cart page. . Observe the new discount section showing the amount saved and the percentage off. . Notice the updated styling with border radius applied to the cart items.

Expected Behavior

The cart should display the discount amount and percentage off for each item. Cart items should have rounded corners due to the applied border radius.

Actual Behavior

The cart correctly displays the discount amount and percentage off for each item. Cart items have the expected rounded corners.



Umesh7Dixit commented 1 week ago

Hello @ivedmohan please check this pr for issue #522