JiyaGupta-cs / ShopNex

React Ecommerce App
90 stars 183 forks source link

Adding Custom Cursor #525

Open chaanakyaaM opened 1 week ago

chaanakyaaM commented 1 week ago

Issue Description

[Provide a brief description of the issue]

The website UI is awesome, but it can look more attractive and professional by adding an interactive custom cursor.

Steps to Reproduce

[Outline the steps required to reproduce the issue]

I would like to add a custom interactive cursor instead of default cursor.

Expected Behavior

[Describe what you expected to happen]

Actual Behavior

[Describe what actually happened]


[Include any relevant screenshots]

SagarRathore1 commented 1 week ago

I would like to cursor animation on this which will make this website more attractive and professional . this will shown like this :

