JiyaGupta-cs / ShopNex

React Ecommerce App
90 stars 183 forks source link

Make man section body align to center and margin from both side and equal gape between cards from left or right. #531

Open MayankGEHU opened 1 week ago

MayankGEHU commented 1 week ago

Issue Description

In man section there is no gap between the cards form left to right.

Steps to Reproduce

Step 1 : make margin form rightmost card. Step 2 : Even gap between all cards.

Expected Behavior

The website will have seamless view and it will look more structured.

Actual Behavior

There is no gap between the card so it look not good.


Screenshot 2024-06-20 142359

MayankGEHU commented 1 week ago

Please assign me this issue under GSSOC 24 and please add level tag.