Following the example code, I placed the mesh at the origin and visualised the rendered point cloud. It seems to be at another location and not at the origin. The code snipped:
std::unique_ptr<gl_depth_sim::Mesh> mesh = gl_depth_sim::loadMesh(mesh_path);
Eigen::Vector3d camera_pos (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ;
Eigen::Vector3d look_at (0,0,0);
const auto pose = lookat(camera_pos, look_at, Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,1));
gl_depth_sim::CameraProperties props;
props.width = 640; // In pixels
props.height = 480;
props.fx = 550.0f; // In pixels
props.fy = 550.0f; = props.width / 2; // In pixels = props.height / 2;
props.z_near = 0.25f; // In "world units"
props.z_far = 10.0f;
// Create the depth camera itself
gl_depth_sim::SimDepthCamera sim (props);
// Adds mesh to the renderable scene at the origin
sim.add(mesh, Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
// Render the image and download the depth data
gl_depth_sim::DepthImage depth_data = sim.render(camera_pose);
// Lastly, convert it to a point cloud and do something with it...
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
gl_depth_sim::toPointCloudXYZ(props, depth_data, cloud);
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer visu("Alignment");
visu.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
visu.setSize(1280, 1024); // Visualiser window size
visu.addCoordinateSystem(0.1, pose.cast<float>(), "camera_frame1");
Note: the world origin frame is set larger than the camera frame. The mesh is at the origin, the rendered point cloud does not match with the mesh location.
Found the problem: The generated pointcloud is in the frame of the camera. It needs to brought into the "world" frame through a transformation pcl::transformPointCloud(cloud, cloud, pose).
Hi @Jmeyer1292,
Thanks for the great open-source depth simulator.
Following the example code, I placed the mesh at the origin and visualised the rendered point cloud. It seems to be at another location and not at the origin. The code snipped:
Note: the world origin frame is set larger than the camera frame. The mesh is at the origin, the rendered point cloud does not match with the mesh location.