JoDehli / PyLoxone

Python Loxone binding
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newly added devices don't seem to sync across #159

Closed a011528 closed 1 year ago

a011528 commented 1 year ago

Gen2 - Latest Config / Latest HA / Latest PYloxone

Devices + entities flow across when I first install and set the configuration up. However it seems hit and miss that when I create a new device in Loxone or a Virtual Device in Loxone some seem to sync across but not all!

Question Is the "Reload" the re-sync command? vs restarting the whole Home Assistant What is the interval of refresh / polling set at and where >? And are certain devices excluded such as Virtual Inputs ?

JoDehli commented 1 year ago

@a011528 Reload is not supported for now. Only restarting home assistant will reload the entries from loxone and update the entities in Homeassistent.

a011528 commented 1 year ago

thx that addressed 2 of 3 Q I Have.

As mentioned some Virtual Interfaces are read , others are not (and in Loxone config they are set-up the same way) - so its odd, do any limitations exist around Virtual Interfaces being read ? or is the expectation to create these manually in yaml ?

JoDehli commented 1 year ago

Do you see them in the official app? If you see them on the official app it could be a problem.

If you do not see them in the official app then they are maybe set to visible=false in locone config or they are not supported.

You can define a visibility for each entity in locone config. This is useful for entities you use only for internal data parsing or logic and you do not want that they show up in the app. And pyloxone uses the same API which the official app uses. So you can double check it with your app if you think there is something wrong.

a011528 commented 1 year ago

ive set some as Use and to show the loxone app and some to "not to show" - but whether they show in pyloxone based on that flag is not consistent (but is good to know).

Is there another setting in config Visible=False

id certainly have the Use Case of hiding in the Loxone App but making it visible to HA.


JoDehli commented 1 year ago

Normally not. I used only this option to hide or make visible. And there are no way to hide in the official app and not in HA. Of course you can use different user with rights. Then you can define or hide things for each person.

a011528 commented 1 year ago

I was thinking the same: to restrict with a User or User Group, yet i still have the problem that when i create a VI it does not flow (even though i can see them in loxon App)

Can you conform or validate the behaviour: Creating a normal Virtual Interface in Loxone Config that it flows into HA via Pyloxone

Other than that it is a Great Tool/ Add_on!!! and solving many legacy workarounds i have!

JoDehli commented 1 year ago

I do not understand what you mean with flow into HA? I do not know (without looking into the code or test) if a virtual output is showing up in the HA. If you see them in the official app you know that it could be integrated into HA somehow if it is not already done. Can you tell me what you want to do or how you configured your entity in locone config. Maybe I can configure the same entitiy on my system and look if it is already supported?

If you want you could join the discord server I made for such problems.

a011528 commented 1 year ago

HA - Home Assistant

will join group and get back to this thread with up to resolution

a011528 commented 1 year ago

Just updating for others:

  1. i had to set "use" in the VI
  2. i had to enter some text in the Description

Only then would it flow.

JoDehli commented 1 year ago

@a011528 I am interested to know if the entities show up in the LoxAPP3.json if you do not use a description? Do you know how to get it from your Miniserver?