JoDehli / PyLoxone

Python Loxone binding
Apache License 2.0
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100.000 events and event_data in the HA db every 12 hours #235

Closed jakubklos77 closed 4 months ago

jakubklos77 commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

I have noticed for the HA db to grow a lot. Eventually I ended up with setting:

# Log only the following
      - light.*
      - switch.*
      - binary_sensor.mg_*

      - light.*
      - switch.*
      - binary_sensor.mg_*

So basically only those 3 entity types should be recorded in the db. However, that is not true. About 100.000 events and event_data is recorded every 12 hours.

The database purge takes a huge time.

I don't think these events should be recorded at all due to the settings above. Can you please point me out to some better way to avoid this?

Thank you

Firmware of your Miniserver


HomeAssistant install method

RaspberryPi method

Version of HomeAssistant


Version of Pyloxone


Update pyloxone



SELECT event_type_id, COUNT(*) as count FROM events GROUP BY event_type_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;

event_type_id | count
5 | 325821

event_type_id 5 = loxone_event all new events after 1 day

JoDehli commented 4 months ago


I @jakubklos77 I added this in my recorder config.

jakubklos77 commented 4 months ago

You the man! Thank you. That works great. I think it should be mentioned in the readme

JoDehli commented 3 months ago

@jakubklos77 I didn't know that I added this to my config. I realized it when you opened this issue. To add it in the readme is a good idea. If you want you can add it and make a pull request.

jakubklos77 commented 3 months ago

Thank you