Closed di3t0 closed 5 years ago
What exatly should be sent? You can create a Marker and you can observe the value in ha. Therefore you can react on a value change.
I want to control the Xiaomi Philips Hue Downlight with the Touch Pure. The lights are only controllable via HA.
Ok I see. Is you main system loxone or HA?
I would first connect the Touch Pure to a light controller output. The light controller is supported by me binding. You should then see the light in HA and you should be able to turn on and of the light by pressing the Touch Pure.
Then you can make a automation from the loxone controlled light in HA to the light from the xiaomi philips light and vice versa.
If you have accomplished that you can go to the rgb stuff.
I can integrate the Touch Pure in my binding then you have the touch pure direct in HA without go over the light controller.
My main system is Loxone. I'll try it as you described it. I hope it works :-)
It's possible to send commands from Loxone to HA over Virtual Out? How?