JoGall / terminator

R port of the Leaflet.Terminator.js plugin to show day / night regions on a map
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Rcpp version #2

Open hrbrmstr opened 6 years ago

hrbrmstr commented 6 years ago

As noted on Twiter: rly nice port!

I took it one step further:

Reaching out to see how far you were going to go with it and even suggest that I transfer the repo over to you (or add you as a collaborator on to my Rcpp port).

JoGall commented 6 years ago

Cheers boB :smile:

This is fantastic, it runs 1000x faster than pure R on my machine! :+1:

I only needed the terminator for a visualisation I'm working on at the moment but was thinking about making it into a ggplot geom at some point (this is something I've never tried before but something I thought would be useful to get to grips with after reading this blog post on a crime of which I am certainly guilty).

Is this something you'd like to add to ggalt? It'd be best for the function to live in a place where more people can find it and makes sense to include it alongside other GIS tools.

Either way, I'm happy for you to keep the Rcpp port on your repo if you'd care to add me as a collaborator?