JoachimSchurig / CppGPIO

C++14 GPIO library for embedded systems on Linux
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Hardware PWM #5

Closed starrabb1t closed 5 years ago

starrabb1t commented 5 years ago

Board: RPi 3 OS: Raspbian Stretch

How to run hardware generated PWM? I tried all pins, but _is_softwareemulation() always returns '1'.

starrabb1t commented 5 years ago

Aha, sorry for the issue. Just understood, that it works with bcm2835, not with bcm2837.

I guess I need to look through registers in gpio.cpp/gpio.h to make it compatible with RPi 3. Am I right?

dipampatel18 commented 4 years ago

@starrabb1t Could you find a way to use it for BCM2837? I'm trying to use it for RPi 4 which is BCM2711.