JoanZapata / android-iconify

Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,...
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Some icons missing from Material Design Icons #150

Open choxnox opened 8 years ago

choxnox commented 8 years ago

For example, MDI has an icon mdi-car-connectedbut there is no equivalent mdi_car_connected among Iconify icons.

JoanZapata commented 8 years ago

Iconify use version 1.2.65, but current material community icons is 1.4.57. Thanks for noticing, I'll make the update.

choxnox commented 8 years ago

Any news or ETA when this could be fixed?

JoanZapata commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I'm doing the release right now, it should be available in a few minutes using Iconify 2.2.1.

choxnox commented 8 years ago

Current version of Material Community Icons is 1.5.54 but the one used in Iconify is 1.4.57. Any chance to update this pack to the latest version?

JoanZapata commented 8 years ago

Will do.

choxnox commented 8 years ago

Any news or ETA when this could be updated? Current version is 1.6.50.

Nailik commented 6 years ago

there's an old Version used in iconify again.