I'd rather there be no special animation effects,but can anyone be so intellegent as to implement basic text interation function???this android-pdfview is dull,but that pdfium is although close but also dull.plz dont use android studio for dull projects.its a waste of time and a stupid let-go of efficency to maintain a far-from-mature project in a heavy macthine——AS.eclipse is just suffice. #227
again ,this viewer is not capable of handling cropped pdfs,or pdfs that have different sized pages,just as that pdfium pdf-viewer..what to say..u could have submitted a fancy library that is light years ahead of whatever ezpdfreader utilizes,but……
again ,this viewer is not capable of handling cropped pdfs,or pdfs that have different sized pages,just as that pdfium pdf-viewer..what to say..u could have submitted a fancy library that is light years ahead of whatever ezpdfreader utilizes,but……