Joao-Peterson / super-figure

Super figure is a vscode extension that implements integration for Inkscape and Gimp as means to quickly launch and edit figures and see the results is your Latex or Markdown files
MIT License
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Typst support #8

Open ruben-hude opened 5 months ago

ruben-hude commented 5 months ago

Is there any plan to implement Typst support in the extension? It would be very useful to have the same feature with Typst as there already is a nice workflow in VSCode except for dealing with figures.

Joao-Peterson commented 5 months ago

Never used typst but did heard of it. It may be trivial to implement it, when I find time I'm gonna look into it, thanks!

ruben-hude commented 5 months ago

Nice! I use Typst a lot, so if you have questions about the best defaults or anything like this, let me know.

Joao-Peterson commented 3 months ago

Sorry for the wait, Typst support is up. If you could be so kind to test and give me some feedback, that would be great. I'll be keeping this issue open for this