JoaoLopesF / RemoteDebug

Library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet, with print commands like Serial Monitor
MIT License
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Short way debugging #36

Closed foorschtbar closed 5 years ago

foorschtbar commented 5 years ago

Hey, short way debugging without any paramter doenst work. The docu says rdebugV("text") but this is wrong...

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Hi, please send example how You is using it

foorschtbar commented 5 years ago

rdebugVln("This is a println"); doesnt work for me.

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Hi, @foorschtbar

I tried this and works well.

Please give this informations:

Version of Arduino IDE (or another IDE): Operational system:

Board: Version of RemoteDebug installed:


Joao Lopes

foorschtbar commented 5 years ago

*** Remote debug - over telnet - for ESP8266 (NodeMCU) - version 1.5.6

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Hi, @foorschtbar

Thanks for information. I tested now the lib in Esp8266 and works well. I do it in Arduino 1.8.7.

Please set Arduino to show verbose in compilation and send me all output.


Joao Lopes

foorschtbar commented 5 years ago

Hi @JoaoLopesF,

here the log, telnet output and a test sketch.

Regards, Fabian

telnet.txt verboselog.txt

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

HI, @foorschtbar

I just download the files.

And now I understand.

The debugs #1 and #2 are of level verbose. And the default level of this library is Debug, due it, this debugs not is showed.

Before access page, you need give "v" command to set level to verbose, and this debug will showed. A tip, if You use sufix "ln", not need put "\n"in message.

The #3 and #4 are of level always, due it is showed always

Please try it and close this issue.


Joao Lopes

foorschtbar commented 5 years ago

Hi @JoaoLopesF,

thank you for your support. I thought that only rdebugV[ln] could be called without parameters (looked like this in your example). That's why I used it. rdebugAln works too. My mistake. I just had to look into the source code.

The \n was only for testing. Thank you!

Regards, Fabian