JoaoLopesF / RemoteDebug

Library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet, with print commands like Serial Monitor
MIT License
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Including WebSockets files breaks projects using the library #50

Open mairas opened 5 years ago

mairas commented 5 years ago

If you try to build a project that uses the WebSockets library, the files in the RemoteDebug project cause linking errors (multiple definitions of class methods).

I'm writing a library that is using the RemoteDebug library. My library is using WebSockets natively. When building, I get a lot of these linker errors:

.pioenvs/d1_mini/libdf9/libWebSockets_ID549.a(WebSockets.cpp.o): In function `WebSockets::write(WSclient_t*, unsigned char*, unsigned int)':
WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets5writeEP10WSclient_tPhj+0x10): multiple definition of `WebSockets::write(WSclient_t*, unsigned char*, unsigned int)'
.pioenvs/d1_mini/lib5ee/libRemoteDebug_ID1266.a(WebSockets.cpp.o):WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets5writeEP10WSclient_tPhj+0x10): first defined here
.pioenvs/d1_mini/libdf9/libWebSockets_ID549.a(WebSockets.cpp.o): In function `WebSockets::sendFrame(WSclient_t*, WSopcode_t, unsigned char*, unsigned int, bool, bool)':
WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets9sendFrameEP10WSclient_t10WSopcode_tPhjbb+0x24): multiple definition of `WebSockets::sendFrame(WSclient_t*, WSopcode_t, unsigned char*, unsigned int, bool, bool)'
.pioenvs/d1_mini/lib5ee/libRemoteDebug_ID1266.a(WebSockets.cpp.o):WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets9sendFrameEP10WSclient_t10WSopcode_tPhjbb+0x24): first defined here
.pioenvs/d1_mini/libdf9/libWebSockets_ID549.a(WebSockets.cpp.o): In function `WebSockets::clientDisconnect(WSclient_t*, unsigned short, char*, unsigned int)':
WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets16clientDisconnectEP10WSclient_ttPcj+0x4): multiple definition of `WebSockets::clientDisconnect(WSclient_t*, unsigned short, char*, unsigned int)'
.pioenvs/d1_mini/lib5ee/libRemoteDebug_ID1266.a(WebSockets.cpp.o):WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets16clientDisconnectEP10WSclient_ttPcj+0x4): first defined here
.pioenvs/d1_mini/libdf9/libWebSockets_ID549.a(WebSockets.cpp.o): In function `WebSockets::handleWebsocketPayloadCb(WSclient_t*, bool, unsigned char*)':
WebSockets.cpp:(.text._ZN10WebSockets24handleWebsocketPayloadCbEP10WSclient_tbPh+0x18): multiple definition of `WebSockets::handleWebsocketPayloadCb(WSclient_t*, bool, unsigned char*)'

Please consider either pulling the WebSockets in as an external dependency (probably works only in PlatformIO) or renaming the WebSockets classes e.g.: WebSockets -> RDWebSockets etc.

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Hi, Sorry by delay on response.

Please set this in your project:

// Internally, the RemoteDebug uses a local copy of the arduinoWebSockets library ( // Due it not in Arduino Library Manager // If your project already use this library, // Uncomment the line below, to do it: #define USE_LIB_WEBSOCKET true

This config exist for it, and it is on line #165 of examples/remotedebug_advanced.ino


mairas commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay on my behalf as well. Unfortunately, defining USE_LIB_WEBSOCKET is not enough: it does pull the correct includes but linking still fails because all cpp files are still pulled in. If you added the ifdefs around the src/utility/WebSockets*.cpp files, I guess it might work.

sparky3387 commented 4 years ago

I also had the issue, according to this you must define the websockets disabled = true in the remotedebugcfg.h, it cannot be set in your main (Tested and confirmed by me at least)

#define directive ignored on IDE 1.8.2