Job-Circle / jcbackend

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Create "JobPost" Collection, Model #9

Open Job-Circle opened 2 weeks ago

Job-Circle commented 2 weeks ago


Field Type Required Description Validation
OriginalMsg String Yes The original message text N/A
txt String Yes The main job post content, potentially large in size N/A
srchTxt String Yes De-formatted txt, potentially large in size N/A
cntctPhone Array of Strings No List of contact phone numbers Each element must be a valid phone number
cntctMobile Array of Strings No List of contact mobile numbers Each element must be a valid mobile number
cntctEmail Array of Strings No List of contact email addresses Each element must be a valid email address
cntctLink Array of Strings No List of contact URLs Each element must be a valid URL
createAt Timestamp Yes The timestamp when the job post was created Must be a valid timestamp
createdBy String Yes The creator of the job post (later will be user _id) N/A
jobCat ObjectId No Reference to the _id of the job category (JobCategory) Must reference an existing document in the JobCategory collection


  "_id": ObjectId("60c72b10f9af1f2a7d4f1aad3"),
  "OriginalMsg": "Looking for a software developer...",
  "txt": "We are looking for a software developer with experience in full-stack development...",
  "cntctPhone": ["+1234567890"],
  "cntctMobile": ["+0987654321"],
  "cntctEmail": [""],
  "cntctLink": [""],
  "createAt": ISODate("2023-06-23T10:00:00Z"),
  "createdBy": "user123",
  "jobCat": ObjectId("60c72b6f9af1f2a7d4f1aacf")

