JodaOrg / joda-time

Joda-Time is the widely used replacement for the Java date and time classes prior to Java SE 8.
Apache License 2.0
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DateTimeZone.forID("EST") returns different iID in 2.12.7 and 2.13.0 #793

Closed llyuan closed 1 week ago

llyuan commented 1 month ago

The Joda-Time project has been running for many years now, and the codebase is stable. Java SE 8 contains a new date and time library that is the successor to Joda-Time. As such Joda-Time is primarily in maintenance mode and there are few things worthy of being raised as an issue.

As a general rule, you should raise a question at Stack Overflow, not here.

Before raising an issue, please check the FAQs. Please also search Stack Overflow and the issue history at GitHub. In particular, if the issue is Android specific, you are unlikely to get any assistance here. Please bear in mind that I work on Joda-Time in my spare time, so there is no guarantee on response time.

In the unlikely event you still think you've found an issue, please delete the text above and describe the problem as follows:

Key information

Problem description

DateTimeZone.forID("EST") returns different iID in versions 2.13.0 vs 2.12.7.

In 2.12.7, .toZoneId() returns EST: joda-2 12 7

In 2.13.0, .toZoneId() returns America/Panama: joda-2 13 0

Test case

jodastephen commented 1 month ago

This was detailed in the release notes. The IANA time-zone database decided to deprecate old IDs like EST, and Joda-Time is now auto redirecting the ID.