Joe12387 / OP-Fingerprinting-Script

An overpowered JavaScript browser fingerprinting library for creating persistent, unique and long-lasting digital fingerprints.
MIT License
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Different fingerprint IDs in Firefox 106.0.1 / incognito #2

Closed denikod closed 2 years ago

denikod commented 2 years ago

Hello! I found that in Firefox v106.0.1 in normal mode and incognito mode, the resulting FingerPrint ID is different.

Comparing the output, I see that this is due to a different set of fonts and doNotTrack value:

In normal mode, this is: "doNotTrack": [0, "unspecified"]

In incognito it is: "doNotTrack": [0, "1"], and fonts are similar to normal mode plus the following:

            "Arial Black",
            "Arial Narrow",
            "Bodoni MT Condensed"

You asked to report similar behavior ;-)

And one more thing, in Chrome, when the console is open, the code stops at the following lines:

#260 throw new Error("Max monochrome value is over 100");
#566 let enabled = ap.canMakePayments();

It would be nice if this could be avoided...

have a great day!

Joe12387 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report! I think I've covered the issues you're experiencing with Firefox. I'm unsure if the fixes for Chrome will work as I cannot replicate the errors there.