I am having issues with your simplepermissions library, i am using EF core with sqllite, i followed all your examples and read the documentation but the migration seems to be failing as no DB tables are created.
I have tried deleting the database and still no tables are created :( ,
The only difference is i am using 2.0 of the discord.net API which meant i had to change your code to fix some build errors - although this was only minor stuff like changing CheckPermissions to CheckPermissionsAsync on the preconditions
Ive tried to message you on discord but clyde bot says no
An update to this - Running add-migration to create the migrations first worked.. however it does not seem to be auto adding available guilds into the database..
Hi Mate,
I am having issues with your simplepermissions library, i am using EF core with sqllite, i followed all your examples and read the documentation but the migration seems to be failing as no DB tables are created.
I have tried deleting the database and still no tables are created :( ,
The only difference is i am using 2.0 of the discord.net API which meant i had to change your code to fix some build errors - although this was only minor stuff like changing CheckPermissions to CheckPermissionsAsync on the preconditions
Ive tried to message you on discord but clyde bot says no