I read that this error could appear when you do overkill on concurrent users. But with 3 users this seems very odd to me.
Any idea's?
This is my output:
root@booter:~# siege -c3
[alert] Zip encoding disabled; siege requires zlib support to enable it
** SIEGE 4.0.1
** Preparing 3 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...
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[error] socket: -1303406848 connection timed out.: Connection timed out
[error] socket: -1311799552 connection timed out.: Connection timed out
[error] socket: -1295014144 connection timed out.: Connection timed out
I read that this error could appear when you do overkill on concurrent users. But with 3 users this seems very odd to me. Any idea's? This is my output: