JoeFoxe / Hexerei-1.18

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Dropping a dowsing rod or placing a dowsing rod into an item frame causes game crash #15

Closed FreshAlacrity closed 2 years ago

FreshAlacrity commented 2 years ago

Originally reported by @BronzeShadow on the Hexerei Discord, you can see their post here:

To replicate: using the latest version of Hexerei (hexerei-0.1.14.jar) place an item frame anywhere and place the dowsing rod into it (game crashes immediately)

The original crash report from BronzeShadow: BronzeShadow_original_crash_report.txt

Crash report from my WIP modpack: alec_modpack_crash_report.txt

Crash report for only Hexerei mod using latest Forge in a new world + fresh profile:

FreshAlacrity commented 2 years ago

Crash log for just throwing it with Q (edited title also) crash-2022-02-08_12.40.12-client.txt

FreshAlacrity commented 2 years ago

Luckily loading back into the world works fine (the first time at least???)

Thanks to @Frog from the Discord server for reporting the drop/throw issue and this bit also! 💚

JoeFoxe commented 2 years ago

fixed in the latest update (soon to come)