JoeGandy / ShareX-Custom-Upload

A little PHP script created for uploading custom sharex files to your own webserver
MIT License
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Allow pages for Image File Types #126

Open FoggyMtnDrifter opened 3 years ago

FoggyMtnDrifter commented 3 years ago

I think it would be pretty cool if you guys could implement an option in the config to allow us to use an actual page to serve images rather than a rewrite to the actual image path. For example, serving from an HTML page for images with OpenGraph metadata will look much better in certain cases when sharing through some platforms like Discord or Slack, as it can be served as an embed. It's not a huge deal, but I think it would be neat to have the option in the config.

I've seen other ShareX image uploaders have this feature, for example Imago, but I prefer this script for it's other features.

In the configuration, I think users should have the following customization options:

What do you guys think?

itskaty commented 3 years ago

Thats exactly what i was hoping to achieve with this, really wish it had that function and i hope to see it soon

davwheat commented 3 years ago

But surely if you're sharing through Discord (what I usually do too) you just want the image?

Why would you want any metadata? What would you include in that metadata? Where would you enter that metadata?

I hate the image embeds that come with services like Lightshot — I think they look clunky and unappealing compared to a standard raw image embed.

FoggyMtnDrifter commented 3 years ago

That's why I said to introduce it as an option. Everyone has different preferences, so they wouldn't have to turn it on if they didn't like it. Everyone has a different use case and in some instances the embeds could provide useful.

An example of metadata to include would be date and time uploaded, file name, image file size, and the actual image.

itskaty commented 3 years ago

But surely if you're sharing through Discord (what I usually do too) you just want the image?

Why would you want any metadata? What would you include in that metadata? Where would you enter that metadata?

I hate the image embeds that come with services like Lightshot — I think they look clunky and unappealing compared to a standard raw image embed.

To me and few friends that i've talked to about this, it makes the images look better, the friends and I hate the look of just a raw image, it's unappealing to us to be honest. and some examples of metadata, all that ressonix mentioned, the person's username who uploaded the image, this can be multiple reasons, for me its a mixture of personal preferrences and looking to add some stle to them and make them look less like eye sores, and utilitie as I will have multiple people using my server at the same time and it can really make it easier to identify who took what, and the date and time. embed colors to match not only the themes of my servers but also to match my profile pictures, I do alot to try and make everything i do match these days as i've learned how bad things can look when something doesnt match

I don't have a clue where the "clunky" part comes in btw but its still preferrences and would be awesome to have this as an optional thing

theaquarium commented 3 years ago

I think this is reasonable, and I know it's done on many uploaders. I'll have to look into how to cleanly display metadata and what (probably this would also be configurable), but I agree that this would be a nice feature.