JoeKennedy / fantasy

A Fantasy League Of Ice And Fire
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Allow the league manager to resend join emails #14

Closed JoeKennedy closed 8 years ago

JoeKennedy commented 8 years ago

Right now, if someone enters the wrong email address or mixes up the teams (see issue, then someone may not get an email. The league manager should be able to send the join emails again for this purposes. There should probably be something put in place to prevent the league manager from resending the emails a bunch of times. Maybe add a timestamp to the league table for when the join email was last resent, and wait 24 hours or so for resending.

There's also the question of resending to individual team owners or just resend to everyone who hasn't already joined. I'm not sure which is better. I'm leaning towards the former, because it's rare that you'd need to resend the email to more than one person at a time.