Joel-Miller-Lab / InfectiousMath

This is intended to provide a set of self-contained examples, much like the Mudd math fun facts which demonstrate mathematics through biological examples.
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Average of a geometric distribution (extended to exponential) #19

Open joelmiller opened 1 year ago

joelmiller commented 1 year ago

If $p$ is the probability of dying in a day, expected lifetime is (pN + 2 p(1-p)N + 3p(1-p)^2 N + …)/N = p( 1 + 2(1-p) + 3(1-p)^2 + …) = p(1 + 2q + 3q^2+ …). [ q=1-p] = p (d/dq)(q+q^2+q^3+…) = p (d/dq) ( q/(1-q)) = p (-d/dp) (1-p)/p) = p (-d/dp) (1/p) -1 = p (1/p^2)+0 =1/p

Present this by deriving the sum 1 + 2q + 3q^2 + … first.