JoelBender / BACpypes3

BACnet communications library
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Replace the WHO_IS_TIMEOUT constant with a parameter #9

Closed viteski closed 9 months ago

viteski commented 9 months ago

Hi Joel, I propose replacing the WHO_IS_TIMEOUT constant in service.device.WhoIsIAmServices for a parameter whois_timeout: Optional[int] we can pass to the awaitable rather than always use the 3 second constant. What do you think?

JoelBender commented 9 months ago

Good idea, thank you. I updated it a little; renamed the parameter timeout and made it optional (defaulting to the settings value) so existing applications do not need to be updated. I also included the same concept into who_has().

viteski commented 9 months ago

Sweet! I'll update my fork with your latest changes. Thank you.