Open MichaelJAndy opened 11 years ago
@beatbreaker82 Thanks for reporting this. When not using S3 for the images, the server tries to put them into the public/storage directory. I added the folder to the repo, so everything should work now.
Thanks @JoelBesada, I did a git pull, though I'm still getting the 500 error:
POST /upload 500 14ms - 21b
GET /images/modal-bg.png 304 2ms
I should have mentioned before I also tried adding the public/storage directory with no luck either:
# ls -la public/
total 20
drwxrwxrwx 5 http http 4096 Aug 18 04:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 http http 4096 Aug 19 00:32 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 http http 4096 Aug 14 00:06 images
drwxr-xr-x 2 http http 4096 Aug 14 00:06 jstemplates
drwxrwxrwx 2 http http 4096 Aug 19 00:31 storage
I've temporarily given full permissions to the public and storage directories to ensure that permission problems aren't the cause.
@beatbreaker82 Hmm, I added some lines to log any error that might occur during upload. Could you pull the dev branch again and paste the terminal output?
Thanks @JoelBesada!
Here ya go - some problem with renaming the tmp file? It exists after checking for it.
li382-54 # git pull
remote: Counting objects: 7, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
8b83570..7a95961 dev -> origin/dev
Updating 8b83570..7a95961
controllers/ | 14 +++++++++++---
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
li382-54 # ps -ef | grep pasteboard
root 12305 12263 0 05:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --colour=auto pasteboard
li382-54 # ./run_local
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/amazon.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/google_analytics.js
Missing (optional) auth file: auth/hashing.js
Express server listening on port 4000
GET / 304 925ms
GET /css/main.css 200 3ms - 6.27kb
GET /js/head/modernizr.min.js 200 2ms - 5.42kb
GET /js/head.js 200 0ms - 32b
GET /js/head/prefixfree.min.js 200 0ms - 2.45kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.min.js 200 0ms - 32.32kb
GET /js/lib/jquery.transit.min.js 200 0ms - 2.19kb
GET /js/common.js 200 1ms - 469b
GET /js/lib/canvas-to-blob.min.js 200 11ms - 532b
GET /js/lib/spin.min.js 200 1ms - 2.01kb
GET /js/modules/moduleloader.js 200 0ms - 326b
GET /js/modules/analytics.js 200 0ms - 944b
GET /js/modules/appflow.js 200 0ms - 2.22kb
GET /css/main.css 304 1ms
GET /js/modules/extensionhandler.js 200 1ms - 282b
GET /js/modules/copyandpaste.js 200 1ms - 923b
GET /js/modules/draganddrop.js 200 0ms - 973b
GET /images/bg.png 304 3ms
GET /images/splash-image.png 304 2ms
GET /images/splash-image-shine.png 304 1ms
GET /images/about-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /images/chrome-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /js/modules/imageeditor.js 200 1ms - 3.66kb
GET /js/modules/filehandler.js 200 0ms - 1.85kb
GET /js/modules/modalwindow.js 200 0ms - 870b
GET /js/modules/socketconnection.js 200 2ms - 461b
GET /js/modules/webcam.js 200 1ms - 1021b
GET /js/modules/template.js 200 0ms - 734b
GET /js/main.js 200 1ms - 572b
GET /jstemplates/modalwindow.tmpl 304 2ms
GET /jstemplates/webcamwindow.tmpl 304 1ms
GET /jstemplates/about.tmpl 304 2ms
GET /images/webcam-icon.png 304 1ms
GET /jstemplates/imageeditor.tmpl 304 1ms
POST /preupload 200 10ms - 13b
GET /images/image-bg.gif 304 1ms
GET /images/delete-icon.png 304 2ms
{ [Error: EXDEV, rename '/tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75']
errno: 52,
code: 'EXDEV',
path: '/tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75' }
POST /upload 500 17ms - 21b
GET /images/modal-bg.png 304 5ms
li382-54 # ls -la /tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1945 Aug 20 05:26 /tmp/a9caafe395349a0f07c119bdf84d3e75
@beatbreaker82 From what I can gather by some searching, the EXDEV error occurs when fs.rename tries to rename a file on a different device. Are your /tmp/ and the pasteboard app folder on two different disks?
@JoelBesada yep they sure are on different filesystems (I'd add that it's pretty common to have the /tmp / and /home dirs all on different mounts on most Linux systems - if not it's encouraged.)
hostname@li382-xx ~ $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 24G 2.1G 21G 10% /
devtmpfs 493M 0 493M 0% /dev
tmpfs 494M 0 494M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 494M 1.4M 493M 1% /run
tmpfs 494M 0 494M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 494M 1.6M 493M 1% /tmp
As a workaround I'd imagine there'd be a way for me to just tell the code that my /tmp directory is just somewhere else?
@beatbreaker82 Hey, sorry for disappearing for a couple of days. I've updated the code to use to move the file, which should work cross-device. Could you pull the latest commit on dev, run npm install
, and let me know if it works now?
Thanks @JoelBesada, yes that's gotten me over the line, now I'm stuck elsewhere.
I can now attach the file through drag and drop, then it'll come back with the URL, when I use that URL I get stuck on a page that either gets stuck on the loading bar, or says the the image dosen't exist. Below are the debug logs: I double checked and the image does exist on the file system in the /public/storage folder and they look fine.
GET /29w4kJFF.png 304 88ms GET /css/image.css 304 2ms GET /js/head/modernizr.min.js 200 1ms - 5.42kb GET /js/head/prefixfree.min.js 200 0ms - 2.45kb GET /js/head.js 200 1ms - 32b GET /js/lib/jquery.transit.min.js 200 0ms - 2.19kb GET /js/lib/jquery.min.js 200 1ms - 32.32kb GET /js/common.js 200 1ms - 469b GET /js/lib/spin.min.js 200 0ms - 2.01kb GET /js/modules/template.js 200 0ms - 734b GET /js/modules/analytics.js 200 0ms - 944b GET /js/modules/moduleloader.js 200 0ms - 326b GET /js/modules/modalwindow.js 200 0ms - 870b GET /images/bg.png 304 0ms GET /images/twitter-icon.png 304 2ms GET /images/facebook-icon.png 304 2ms GET /css/image.css 304 0ms GET /js/image.js 200 0ms - 1.58kb GET /images/29w4kJFF.png/shorturl 500 0ms - 31b GET /jstemplates/modalwindow.tmpl 304 0ms [Error: Missing Google Analytics Credentials]
li382-54 storage # ls 29w4kJFF.png 29w4kJFF.png
I can't seem to reproduce this, do you have any more details? Does your browser console throw any errors?
Installed pasteboard, switched to the dev checkout, with logging on after starting the server, and trying to upload a file, I'm getting a 500 error on the /upload directory which does not exist.
I went ahead and created an upload directory and still no luck :(