JoelOtter / kajero

Interactive JavaScript notebooks with clever graphing
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Way to embed in other projects #48

Open jdarling opened 8 years ago

jdarling commented 8 years ago

Kajero is probably the best content editor based on Markdown that I've seen to date. It would be really nice to be able to embed it as an editor/viewer in other projects. As an example we have an internal (and honestly hacked together) knowledge base system built on Markdown today. If I could replace my crappy editor with Kajero everyone's lives would be easier ;)

Nice work, hope your Master's Project is as well accepted internally as it is externally.

JoelOtter commented 8 years ago


Could you maybe explain what you mean by embedding it? Right now it should, in theory, be possible to put the script and <div> for it to mount on anywhere in an HTML file. Granted, you'd probably have to write a fair bit of custom CSS to get it to match the rest of your site, but it should work.

jdarling commented 8 years ago

So, it looks like its React and Redux. If I have a React and Redux project ideally I would just:

cd /some/project/folder
npm install kajero --save

Then in one of my pages:

const React = require('react');
const Kajero = require('kajero');
const Redux = require('react-redux');

class MyPage extends React.Component{
    const source = 'Editable content goes here';
    return (
        Some page stuff here that is outside Kajero
        <Kajero source={source} onUpdate={this.onUpdate}/>

module.exports = {
  Page: Redux.connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyPage)

Excuse my abuse of ES6 and CommonJS, but I don't like the ES6 way of doing imports :D I also left out some of the boiler plate stuff just to keep the example concise.

JoelOtter commented 8 years ago

Okeydoke, I guess Notebook would be the entrypoint.

jdarling commented 8 years ago

That looks like it would work quite well actually.

jdarling commented 8 years ago

Though I think for a reuseable component you would have to surface the raw Notebook and not the connected Notebook.

JoelOtter commented 8 years ago

How would that work with Kajero's reducers, then? Would a way need to be provided to compose those with a user's reducer, or is there a way to fully encapsulate everything? I've only ever used Redux for single-page applications, never reusable components.