JoepVanlier / JSFX

A bundle of JSFX and scripts for reaper.
MIT License
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Remake your plugins to suit realtime operation #97

Open vssasks opened 8 months ago

vssasks commented 8 months ago

Mainly interested in reflectozaurus which breaks rt buffer 32 operation which is the problem of any plugins with animated guis including reaper's own volumemeters which i disable via option:no_meters. The proposal is to remake the plugin for reaper's gui with sliders and do not distract users with colors and animation. I suppose also remove use of mouse totally. You can create nodes by numbers from 0-9,then select nodes by same numbers, you can set x/y position by input of digits as well like 8 space 720 -6 moves node 8 720ms with volume -6. The plugin is unique but graphical implementation limits its usefullness.

vssasks commented 8 months ago

Set fb by f100 to 100ms for example, up/down arrows to scroll values for last seoected parameter instead of mouse dragging, etc this way

JoepVanlier commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure what you mean by breaks rt buffer 32 operation and why that is a problem. If you remove the minus signs before every slider description, you can see the sliders that are available. But they are in normalized values and not ms etc.

For example, change: slider10:X1=0.09<0,1,.000000001>-X1 to: slider10:X1=0.09<0,1,.000000001>X1

You can't add/remove nodes via a slider currently though and not all internal parameters are hooked up to sliders.

The request seems pretty specific to a particular use-case so I'm not sure whether other people would find a use for a variant with these changes. Do you have a specific purpose in mind?

vssasks commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the trick with - sign. I will try it. I just set audiocard to buffer 32 for low latency and different type of animationsbreak it ei make lags, short pauses. Itms problem with any guis with animation, even with io meters, sometimes it's ok with wined dlls via linvst but problematic with linux native plugins. Anyway i don't think amyone needs this except me.

vssasks commented 8 months ago

Nodes can be added via input fields with numbers, i sometimes think guis just distract from sound itself. I even created gray theme for the daw i use. Unfortunately it's not possible to turn the whole linux grayscalewitth nouveau but i also have concerted all icons to grayscale. My phone laso is grayscaled. Helps a lot!

vssasks commented 8 months ago

No one makes access to sliders via numbers. Each elemnt can be assigned a number and selected by typing it, then change value by arrows or page up/down, i don't understand why all programming is based on mouse everywhere... if i have 10 fingers why would i use the entire hand and once? Even midi kbd can be set to select elements if you assign numbers to keys.

vssasks commented 8 months ago

By the way by disabling animation you can make guis compatible with realtime!

vssasks commented 8 months ago

By the way i use old alpha version of reflectosaurus because it's still.usable on realtime os but of course with litttle number of circlles.