Joepocalyptic / nuxt-particles

Run lightweight, heavily customizable particle simulations in your Nuxt project with tsParticles.
MIT License
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Problems with interactivity #18

Closed Davekeel closed 3 months ago

Davekeel commented 3 months ago

Hi, i installed this on nuxt, anche i noticed some of options with interactivity that works on TsParticles with nuxt-particles doesn't work, here are my options, const options = { fps_limit: 60, background: { color: '#f5f5f5' }, fullScreen: { enable: true, zIndex: 0, }, interactivity: { detect_on: 'canvas', events: { onhover: { enable: true, mode: 'repulse', type: 'rectangle' }, resize: true }, modes: { bubble: { distance: 400, duration: 2, opacity: 0.8, size: 5, speed: 3, color: ['#005082', '#005082'] } } }, particles: { color: { value: [ ['#05a3d7', '#05a3d7'], ['#005082', '#005082'] ] }, links: { color: 'random', distance: 220, enable: true, opacity: 0.4, width: 1 }, move: { collisions: true, direction: 'none', enable: true, out_mode: 'bounce', random: false, speed: 0.5, straight: false }, number: { density: { enable: true, value_area: 1800 }, value: 150 }, opacity: { animation: { enable: false, minimumValue: 0.1, speed: 1, sync: false }, random: false, value: 1 }, shape: { type: 'circle' }, size: { animation: { enable: true, minimumValue: 8, speed: 1, sync: false }, random: { enable: true, minimumValue: 8 }, value: 4 } }, retina_detect: true }

I noticed that my bubbles doesnt repulse, someone can help me?

Joepocalyptic commented 3 months ago

This module is now using tsparticles v3, which changed how some of the settings work. Notably, I'm pretty sure all options now use camelCase, as shown here: SmartSelect_20240328_082429_Chrome.png

I would check out the main repo for more information.

Joepocalyptic commented 3 months ago

Documentation for the interactivity object is also available here:

Davekeel commented 3 months ago

Thank you! U saved my day!