Joey152 / cps406_s3_group11_w16

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StartATMSession #12

Open Joey152 opened 8 years ago

Joey152 commented 8 years ago

don't know if this is an actual use case

aforte15 commented 8 years ago

• Brief Description This Use Case Describes the start of the ATM session • Actors User(Primary) Bank (Secondary) • Triggers The User begins a session • Flow of Events Basic Flow — Start Up a. Use case begins when the user initiates a session with the ATM. b. The user is shown a welcome screen with a promotional advertisement. c. The user is asked to enter their pin. c.1. The user enters the wrong pin and is prompted up to 4 more times to re-enter. d. The user is then allowed to select an option. e. To end their session, the user selects quit. f. Use Case ends with the user selecting quit and being prompted with a donation request. • Alternative Flows and/or Subflows None • Special Requirements User has a supported bank account • Preconditions User has card ready. • Postconditions The session ends and the system is ready to being a new session. • Success Postcondition(s) Successful error free operation of ATM. • Failure Postcondition(s) Appropriate error message is displayed and the system is locked with all unverified changes not committed. • Extension Points This Use Case is extended by Use Case #15 Change Pin, #13 Donate To Charity, #6 Display Account Information, #14 Get Emergency Assistance, and #3 Perform Transaction. This Use Case includes Use Case #5 Read Card.