JoeyDeVries / Cell

OpenGL C++ Graphics Engine
887 stars 125 forks source link

Any chance to make it for linux + cmake #15

Open ProkopHapala opened 6 years ago

ProkopHapala commented 6 years ago

I was just compiling and going through which is IMO best OpenGL tutorial I ever saw. It is also great that it compile with cmake on linux without any problem. Would be really great if this game engine would do as well. (Like continuation - putting it all together)

JoeyDeVries commented 6 years ago

Thank you! And yeah, we put in a lot of effort to make sure the LearnOpenGL samples compile properly on all platforms. I didn't put in the effort for Cell and probably won't as it'll take a good amount of time with my rookie CMake experience, and I'd rather focus on other projects (mostly Vulkan stuff) at this time.