JoeyT1994 / ITensorNumericalAnalysis.jl

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Abstract Index Map #38

Closed JoeyT1994 closed 3 weeks ago

JoeyT1994 commented 3 weeks ago

This PR separates out the IndexMap type into abstract and concrete types.

An AbstractIndexMap type is introduced with a minimal interface required for it to work. A RealIndexMap type is then introduced as a concrete subtype which assumes that each index of the map translates to a single real-valued binary digit. Going forward this will be the base IndexMap concrete subtype for which new code implementations should support.

The IndexNetworkMap which wraps an IndsNetwork and an IndexMap can now support arbitrary IndexMap subtypes with default constructions pointing to the RealIndexMap.

This PR is in preperation for a re-write of PR #32 which will introduce the ComplexIndexMap type.