Jofairden / EvenMoreModifiers

A mod for Terraria that adds a system for Modifiers that can apply to items giving various bonuses
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Vanity slots no longer working/Possible fix? #24

Open IsaiahJM97 opened 5 years ago

IsaiahJM97 commented 5 years ago

Hi again, and thank you for fixing our previously addressed concerns with the luck stat in the Vanity slot. However, my buddy and I use a functional vanity slot mod, so we could take advantage of some extra modifiers and boosts. I noticed with one of the more recent updates, that you just made the items in the vanity slot not active. I was hoping more going to fix the issue with luck in those slots, rather than disabling those vanity slots so we could no longer utilize them. I suppose my question at the end of this is, do you plan on adding back in support for vanity slots, if you can figure out how to stop this glitch from happening? I'd be more than willing to help you come up with a solution if that is what you need. I'd just like to thank you again for addressing the issue, and doing your best to fix it.

Jofairden commented 5 years ago

Well, this is a conflicting matter. For now, they are disabled because normally vanity does not provide bonuses and this was causing major bugs earlier. If I can be sure that no major bugs happen by enabling these slots, I will see what I can do.

Spikestriker303 commented 5 years ago

I don't exactly want it to seem like I think i'm some kind of expert but I would like to suggest a possible means to attempt a fix. If you're performing a check for if an accessory is put into a vanity slot, and luck was the modifier causing the original major bug, would it not be possible to perform a check for if an item has luck first? Then if it returns true run the check for if it is also in a vanity slot, causing it to be inactive if both checks return true yet still active if not. If i'm misunderstanding and this isn't possible then feel free to disregard what i'm saying

Jofairden commented 5 years ago

It is very hard to involve yourself into the situation without knowing how all the systems in this mod work (some can be considered quite complex).

Anyway, you have my word on what I previously said:

Well, this is a conflicting matter. For now, they are disabled because normally vanity does not provide bonuses and this was causing major bugs earlier. If I can be sure that no major bugs happen by enabling these slots, I will see what I can do.

Xanarios commented 4 years ago

Is it safe to presume that mods that allow armor social slots / vanity slots to keep their properties when equipped trigger these kinds of "bugs" (as of I've noticed a bad interaction with the mod ArmorSocial that caused crit damage to spike to unmanageable levels.

In testing it doesn't seem to happen when ArmorSocial is configured to just apply set bonuses.

Edit: To add to this, AntiSocial just updated w/ the ability to enable armor slots as well. The same issue occurs. Further testing points to the CRIT DAMAGE multiplier in the social slot as the problem (the same armor in the regular armor slot doesn't cause massive numbers).