Joffcom / n8n-nodes-rss-feed-trigger

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Timed Trigger doesnt Work #5

Open turtle331 opened 1 year ago

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

For me the node is not fireing automated at all. Every time I activate it it fires all the rss that it missed but if I dont touch it, even if new rss is generated. The node is not triggering

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

grafik Thats the setting for one node, grafik This is the setting for the second node, same rss link but different last messages in Discord.

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

This is for the first one grafik This is for the second node I posted grafik As you can see there is half a hour of difference, even though there should be only a time difference of maximum of 4 min

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

For me the node is not fireing automated at all. Every time I activate it it fires all the rss that it missed but if I dont touch it, even if new rss is generated. The node is not triggering

Correction its firing but not at the time it should be

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

Hey @turtle331,

That is odd I am not seeing the same issue with my own workflows that are using the node.

What times are you expecting it to trigger and do you have a link handy for the feed you are working with? The sites I use don't post often so it could be something funky internally that I have not ran into yet.

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

So I was doing some research with lorem Ipsum rss and found out some funny things here is a collection of things: grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik

Those are all the logs I collected, the n8n automation, which was responsible for that is this one: grafik grafik

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

Ohh after I saved again I have another new behaviour grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

Somehow every time I save I get a different behaviour

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik grafik This is my execution log for the workflow test

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

A lot of images there that make no real sense without some context.

Are your 4 triggers using the same 5 hour poll? The test rss site I think generates data as it is called.

Having 4 in the same workflow may cause issues as the node uses static data internally to track the last run time and it is key based so that could be why the runs are different. On manual execution the run time doesn’t get updated or checked as well so it is just the latest that gets returned.

If you split your test up into 4 workflows do you get the same issue and in your main workflow where you see the problem do you have more than one trigger node?

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

A lot of images there that make no real sense without some context.

First of all I just dumped all the rss message triggers from your node to a discord node which relayed it to discord. The result of it is like the one I showed you. After that you see the node setup with the specific settings. Follwed by some interessting behaviour after a save. Fun Fact I never know what behaviour saving the automation brings. To round it up I also send all the execution logs of Test which is my testing automation with your rss triggers inside.

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

Are your 4 triggers using the same 5 hour poll? The test rss site I think generates data as it is called.

Yes and No, I am using 4 triggers using the same 5 minutes trigger but my execution history tellls me otherwise.

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

Hey @turtle331,

What about when using only one trigger node in the workflow does that have the same issue for you?

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

What about when using only one trigger node in the workflow does that have the same issue for you?

Yes, it does

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

Having 4 in the same workflow may cause issues as the node uses static data internally to track the last run time and it is key based so that could be why the runs are different. On manual execution the run time doesn’t get updated or checked as well so it is just the latest that gets returned.

That was the final test I wanted to know, but then I discovered that there is a bigger problem. The polling is not triggering as it should.

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

If you split your test up into 4 workflows do you get the same issue and in your main workflow where you see the problem do you have more than one trigger node?

I have the same issues in my main workflow.

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

That is interesting the polling is nothing special and is just the internal n8n polling for the schedule the only special thing in the node is the static data storing the last run time and the check on the isodate for the article to see if is after the last run.

I guess there could be a problem in that check, what timezone are you using for your n8n instance (TZ and generic env options if on docker)?

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

Time zone shouldnt matter, cause its not timed to "you should run 3am" . Its meant to run every x Minute in my Case all 5 min

turtle331 commented 1 year ago

But no problem I can take a look at my docker compose file. ohh I left it as default or to be more specific I didnt mention it in the compose file

turtle331 commented 1 year ago


turtle331 commented 1 year ago

The question is can you make a version which is triggered by the cron task node? Because the checking if the post has been posted is brilliant. I love it.

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

Hey @turtle331,

This node is based on the current rss node the only difference other than adding the internal polling is I bundled in the static data and the id check for the time.

I have planned to do some more testing this weekend to see if I can work out what is going on.

mrhappyma commented 1 year ago

I know this is an old issue but I am having issues with this, a new item was added to the rss feed and my workflow did not trigger.

xlucasfelix commented 1 year ago

I use node in three automations (three different sites), but only one of them works well. In the other two automations, the node does not detect new items correctly.

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

@mrhappyma can you update to 0.222.1 and see if that helps ?

@xlucasfelix are you using the same rss feed for all of them and do you have multiple triggers in the same node?

xlucasfelix commented 1 year ago

I have 3 separate automations (workflows), each with its own rss trigger

mrhappyma commented 1 year ago

@mrhappyma can you update to 0.222.1 and see if that helps ?

No luck after updating

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

@mrhappyma Does the workflow run when you do it manually? Can you share the feed you are using so I can test it as well?

mrhappyma commented 1 year ago

It works fine and runs with the new item if I trigger manually. I am using the xkcd feed:

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

@mrhappyma that could be something in my check for anything new, I have just set up a workflow to run every 30 minutes and post to Slack using the XKCD feed to test.

mrhappyma commented 1 year ago

It seems like it's not just the xkcd feed, wouldn't work with the apod feed either.

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

@mrhappyma that is good to know, I gave the xkcd feed a go and I have the same issue with that one but other feeds I am using like wtf1 is all good.

I plan to throw some debug logging into the node so we can finally figure this out.

jorge123255 commented 1 year ago

Dont have the poll time setting in new version of n8n image

Joffcom commented 1 year ago

What version of n8n are you running? Sadly this is not an issue with the node itself and it is an issue with n8n that should be resolved from 229.

If it is not working and a restart of the container doesn’t help it would be worth going back to the other process and having a schedule node with an rss node to achieve the same thing.