As a player, I can start creating the basic world (currently in the drilling mines GIST) inside of the mission/lesson framework. I should not have to have two tabs open to do this.
Must haves
I can the instructions for what I have to do now side-by-side with the world editor.
I can toggle this world editor to "full page" so that the left side mission steps view is collapsed, and the right-side Help Requests view is collapsed
Since I am following a step-by-step mission, when I Save Changes and Continue, the code I just wrote remains in place on the next step.
Nice to haves
When I'm given new instruction, I have option to show an example that has where the new code can go highlighted with different background colors -- basically like a cheat that shows what the instructor would see -- This is possible with Ace Editor configuration
I can see who else in the class has completed this step and "spy" on their working sample
The app runs a unit test against my code to determine if I really completed it properly.
If I have completed it successfully, I can see other people's code too to note any differences.
Each time I save, it makes a code commit to GitLab or whatever, and keeps a history, so that when the instructor/mentor or another student tries to help me, I can show them my thought process and steps I've tried so far.
Part of this, each time I save I can type a message (basically a commit message) to save along with the commit
As a player, I can start creating the basic world (currently in the drilling mines GIST) inside of the mission/lesson framework. I should not have to have two tabs open to do this.
Must haves
Nice to haves