Provide a list of world building functions for common shapes and patterns.
box(not filled, defaults to square when one param )
block (filled)
wall (defaults to full screen. can specify length and direction)
cup (a u-shaped box containing a gem/power-up)
fill ( fills the stage full of specified sprite, can set constraints)
dashed wall (specify tile and space pattern ex. dash(pt(0,0), 'r', t(3), s(2), t(3), s(1)) : creates 18 total tiles, starting at the top left, and repeating the pattern 2 times total. If we used 'l', we'd have to change pt(17,0) to start on the far right, but this time it will start with skipping 1, then 3 tiles, etc.
Provide a list of world building functions for common shapes and patterns.