JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Favorful OP ability feature descriptions #105

Closed JohN100x1 closed 1 year ago

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Some of the features and abilities are not favorful and only describe what they functionally do. This Issue is to address improvements to the Overpowered ability descriptions.


JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Overpowered Ability — Unlimited Power:

On the brink of defeat the enemies have surrounded and exhausted you. Just as they are about to deliver the finishing blow, you get up and saying the following words: Not today.

Benefit: As a free action, you restore all abilities and spell slots.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Description for Overpowered Ability — Unlimited Power:

On the brink of defeat the enemies have surrounded and exhausted you. Just as they are about to deliver the finishing blow, you get up and saying the following words: Not today. Benefit: As a free action, you restore all abilities and spell slots.

I have a simple alternative for you, choose which one you prefer:

You have let your foes think they have the upper hand, letting them wear themselves out as they attack you relentlessly. As they close in for the final strike, you spring back to your feet and declare: Playtime's over

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Supreme Being?

You have transcended the limits of your original world and become a god among mortals. Your power is unmatched, your wisdom is infinite, and your charisma is irresistible. You are the Supreme Being, the ruler of all creation, the master of life and death. Nothing can stand in your way, nothing can challenge your authority, nothing can escape your judgment. You are the ultimate being, the one who will shape the destiny of this new world according to your will. All who oppose you will kneel before you or perish in your wrath. All who serve you will be rewarded with your grace and favor. All who worship you will be blessed with your miracles and wonders. You are the Supreme Being, and this world is yours to conquer.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Dupe Gold

You have discovered a secret skill that allows you to create gold out of thin air. You can use it to buy anything you want, from weapons and armor to food and clothes. You can also use it to bribe, impress, or intimidate anyone you meet. You are the richest person in this world, and no one can stop you. You are the king of wealth, the master of money.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Infinite Space

It’s like having an inventory in a game, but better! No more worries about carrying heavy luggage, running out of supplies, or hiding your loot from greedy eyes. You can even store living beings, such as your harem of beautiful girls, or your loyal pet dragon. Just be careful not to lose track of what you have stored, or you might end up forgetting something important…

Necht commented 1 year ago


i am sorry, but I don't agree with your descriptions of abilities. They are too much attached to personality and negative emotions. And the description of the supreme being is not at all suitable for a good alignment. Most of what you've written is more suitable for a neutral or evil character.

The description of abilities should be as neutral as possible in relation to others and the world, if they are not tied to a alignment.

a small example of the description( of the ability: "Your body has changed irrevocably, becoming something more than it was, but at the same time something less. Your muscles have hardened, become more elastic and stronger than a living being can have. Your mental component is vast and complex. Time no longer has power over you and you cannot grow old and die of old age.

Now you understand how fragile and naive you were. Now you have surpassed who you were. Now you cannot be called anything other than a Supreme Being.

From now on, alll your attributes become equal to 30"

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

@Necht I'm sorry, but I also disagree with you. Flavour text is flavour text. It's described from 2nd person perspective, so it doesn't represent the alignment of your character, but the person who's granting you the ability. Besides some of the flavour text in pathfinder is even worse in that regards.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

@Necht @Nerin3 I'm also sorry, but I also disagree with both of you. Feels a bit too long, but maybe that's just my preference. Here's my version (I hope it's not too dry):

You have forgotten the hardships of mortality and what sort of person you were before. Were you stupid? Were you weak? It matters no longer. Here in this new world, you are perfect.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Meta Luck:

Everyone mistakes you for a prodigal genius, treating every action you make as a calculated move in your 1000 year plan. Enemies tremble in fear as meet you, hallucinating a universe-sized gap between them your power level. \nBenefit: You always take the higher of two d20 rolls. Enemies that attack you take the lower of two d20 rolls for one round.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Dupe Gold:

In this new world, you will never be cold or hungry again. \nBenefit:As a standard action, you gain 1 million gold.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago



JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Summon Calamity:

There is nothing you cannot summon. Your calls are heeded; your commands are absolute. Even demon lords show no negligence... and tremblingly obey. \nBenefit: As a full action, you summon a powerful being to bring calamity. You can summon one of the following: Devastator, Playful Darkness, Baphomet, Deskari, Nocticula, Mephistopheles, or Areshkagal.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Perfect Roll:

You navigate every conversation and fight with perfect accuracy. Every word is predicted; every action is foreseen. Your premonitions guide you on your quest, as if you have experienced this before... \nBenefit: You always {g|Encyclopedia:Dice}roll{/g} a 20 on all d20 rolls.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Mind Control:

Behold the power of a king! All will listen and obey! \nBenefit: You can make any creature fight on your side as if it was your ally. It will {g|Encyclopedia:Attack}attack{/g} your opponents to the best of its ability.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Instakill:

Who will live and who will die? This power to change fate lay within your hands. Will you use this power sparingly? Or will you become god of the new world? \nBenefit: Kills the targeted creature if they fail a DC 99 fortitude saving throw, otherwise they are stunned for 1 round. This ability bypasses death immunity.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Description for Infinite Space:

"Hey you, yes you! Have you ever wondered why the bag of holding is so limited? I mean, you can't even fit your whole harem inside. Well, with the Interdimensional Pocket 9000 now you can! Using advanced Numerian technologies with state-of-the-art Alkenstarian manufacturing techniques, the Interdimensional Pocket 9000 is able to have a storage capacity of INFINITE tons.

And that's not all! The composite nahyndrian crystal and dragonhide nanofibers provide an excellent, sleek, and tough exterior, ensuring that it is both comfortable to use and durable even in the harshest environments.

So what are you waiting for? Get your Interdimensional Pocket 9000 today and experience the ultimate in storage solutions. Whether you're carrying your harem, your plethora of corpse-looted weapons, or your suspiciously large amount of gold, the Interdimensional Pocket 9000 is the perfect accessory for all your storage needs. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity - order now!" — Antonius Sullivarus, the Merchant Mage of Magnificent Wares

\nBenefit: You have an infinite carry capacity."

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Isn't it a little too long tho?

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

You got me there. Normally yes, I believe a few impactful words would leave a more powerful impression on the reader. But in this case I was inspired by your initial proposal for Infinite Space and I thought it would be funny to make it into a sales pitch. Some parts of it was AI generated though which didn't really take into account sentence length.