JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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4.3.0 Legacies Collection Thread #111

Closed kjk001 closed 1 year ago

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, I would like to close the threads with leagcy suggestions that were made for 4.2.0 ( #83 #99 ) and start here in a consolidated list of the still open points as well as for new suggestions. I would request that you please use this thread for any requests for additional legacies, description or name change suggestions, etc.

Open ToDos:

Base Archetype: Arcanist - Eldritch Font Name: Arcanist Legacy - ? Description: ? Archetypes: Villain there is some debate in the 5.0 thread #109 on the features the mastermind rework of the villain should get and this is fairly high on that list. Regardless of if we in that patch then merge it into their normal progression, just add this legacy as a free feat, or make it one of the options of their normal selection, patching it early can't hurt...

Speaking of Magus, the only issue is it's stripped of features mainly because IP already grants spell failure reduction and an extensive spell list. So perhaps just take an archetype for the legacy instead of base class? The infamous Sword Saint comes to mind, of course, because it adds quite some features that are not reliant on spell combat.

Mythalar suggestion to mod magus legacy

Suggestions that are either To much work for this release due to the amount of customization or require more detail so that I know what to do

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 17 hours ago

I'd like a separate monk-adjacent legacy, for a monk that like the shifter halves his ac bonus when wearing armour, but unlike the shifter feat it just works with all armour (instead of non-metal) this would also be fine to be changed to all non-heavy armour (in which case you could add something like that as a class feat or normal feat after a certain monk level and armour proficiency).

You could call this: Armoured Daoist / Ironclad Daoist. With a description along the lines of: While you train your body and mind you've come to the epiphany that flesh inherently is weak, so you chose to train in both body and armour, and have specialised your martial arts around this, coward.

Also it would be amazing for this legacy in particular to have a single weapon choice which they'll have to commit to like the Sword saint, but making that a separate legacy is fine as well.

If included in prior mentioned legacy it could be called: Imperial master (as in the Chinese / Korean imperial army) or a Samurai With a description along the lines of: Since young you have trained for your lord and country, to utilise martial arts specifically meant for one specific weapon and whilst wearing a set of armour, you became the pinnacle of your lords army and then died, idiot.

Most of the Feats mentioned for these would have to be custom created, so this is something for a later build.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

the domain is below the screenshot even though the selection doesn't work yet. I will have to overwrite the default Inquisitor feat for it with a custom one as otherwise no option is selectable(similar problem appeared for Oracle, Sorcerer, and Shaman when first implementing them and you know what I should probably check witch patron too...

But yeah, first to do a hardcopy of every pladin feat, luckily there are not that many and some John had already copied

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Yeah I saw there was domains below those. And yes the paladin alignment restriction is a chore...

Regarding witch patron those are not really useful since they do not restrict hexes at all (contrary to shaman) and only give new spells that you already have as an IP.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Witch ironically also worked without having to recreate the selection.

I also moved the first domain selection of all inquisitor archetypes to level 2, while I am sure Toybox is to blame for the fact that I have to jump back to it after selecting a god but it is annoying and you get the second level early enough...

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

At two and every 4 or 5 (?) levels is quite enough for the domain oriented legacy I think (well, more if you want :p )

One question : is it doable to make it so IP is not bound by the deity choice (as Impossible domain)? Reason is that multiple domains iare nice but not every deity has an expanded list to choose from.

Second question : does it automatically include modded domains? (Expanded Content mod comes to mind).

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Second question, the answer is yes.

First question, that would have also solved the valid god restriction on level 1 with toybox active and in theory yes, let me test it.

But first the Bloodrager because that waited long enough...

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Ah, I remembered, the Bloodrager legacy should be compatible with Tome of the firebird's Phoenix bloodline, if it doesn't just reference the existing / enabled bloodlines from the base class (as far as I know this mod is the only one to add bloodlines apart from tabletop tweaks)

if it doesn't work I'll probably just make a bug report on it, so best just get it out of the way beforehand lol

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

If a bloodline is missing blame the other mod creator and when they define and add it to the array. At the point when we run: bloodlines.SetFeatures(FeatTools.Selections.BloodragerBloodlineSelection.Features.m_Array); we should technically already be ashamed of ourself.

But yes please do mention if you find any such legacy so we can see if there is yet another later place where we can mod stuff :D

Brody1018 commented 1 year ago

Bit late, but you can change the name of Shifters to Skinwalkers and treat them like the Navajo boogeyman. They would drop right into the Villain category though. You don't get much more evil than a Skinwalker.

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Bit late, but you can change the name of Shifters to Skinwalkers and treat them like the Navajo boogeyman. They would drop right into the Villain category though. You don't get much more evil than a Skinwalker.

And Skinwalkers are an actual race implemented by Martial excellence mod.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

@Brody1018 I can certainly rename it and change the description as long as your complete suggestion is in by tommorow evening. Otherwise it will have to wait till the next patch.

I would not move it to villain though because that is a methodical planner rather than just an evil anything, so until the villain is split into two archetypes in 5.0 the shifter would still fit the edge lord better(after all an edge lord can be evil too)

Brody1018 commented 1 year ago

Skinwalkers are rare and dangerous predators that choose to exist above the natural order. Rather than communing with nature like the druids, Skinwalkers are known to choose a powerful predator, often times protectors of forests or mountains, before stalking them from the shadows until they find an opportune moment to lay a trap and claim their life. They will then ritually skin their prey before donning their hide and using it to transform into a semblance of its once mighty owner.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

I am now torn on this because I just noticed that this leaves us with a distinct lack of truly heroic options for shifter legacies(besides dragon which can always be heroic).

So I would actually move this to the next patch while we all consider Holy Beast and Griffonheart Shaper for additional archetypes.

On that note, since I checked the nexus page and saw a request for cavalier there, any suggestions for names and descriptions for legacies based on cavalier and its Knight of the Wall and Standard Bearer archetypes?

In a similiar vein I will actually split the magus into two upon reimplementing it as a buffed version, Sword Saind and Spelldancer, so open for suggestions on that as well

Brody1018 commented 1 year ago

I am now torn on this because I just noticed that this leaves us with a distinct lack of truly heroic options for shifter legacies(besides dragon which can always be heroic).

So I would actually move this to the next patch while we all consider Holy Beast and Griffonheart Shaper for additional archetypes.

Would it be possible/easy to implement a choice to allow the shifter to become demons or other mythical beasts? The novelty of being different types of demons would be interesting enough even if you lack the levels to be as truly overpowered as some other choices. If so, you can go down the path of the Red Mask in Alush and have them be some sort of wicked savior to demons. Or you can just do the same thing and have them be wicked.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

possible, yes, if it is easy I can't tell, isn't there a demon based archetype? If it was just porting that then it would be very easy, if we have to make our own spells and abilities then no it would be hard.

Brody1018 commented 1 year ago

There is a demon-based archetype, but I have heard (I haven't tested it myself) that they do not have the ability to transform and only have minor aspects.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

closed with #122