JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Background suggestions #114

Closed ThePiggyGalaxy closed 1 year ago

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

In I suggested the following backgrounds as they seemed to fit with more varied worlds of origin than just our world.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Cool. I will consider them for 5.0.0. I would probably change demonic cultist to Demonic cultivator just to make it sound more wuxia-like instead of sounding like the ordinary cultists we fight in the game.

I'll list any more changes here when I begin implementation.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

If you want to keep it Murim instead of Wuxia, just use Heavenly Demon Divine Cult or Heavenly Sun-Moon Cult instead of Demonic Cult.

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

If you want to keep it Murim instead of Wuxia, just use Heavenly Demon Divine Cult or Heavenly Sun-Moon Cult instead of Demonic Cult.

Yea, it is what I was going for, but a more generic Demonic cultivator would probably work better, after all, the more generic the flavor is the more creative you can be with it in your headcannon

and I mean murim and wuxia are both fine with me, but I hope some other ones from different settings get recommended too

bundillion commented 1 year ago

Logical Objectivist (maybe a bit specific) - Honestly, all of the "magic" and "demons" is starting to seem a bit crass. Certainly, there are some large and particularly hideous beings wandering about with talks of the Abyss, but everyone knows the only real danger there is staring too long. Anything else is the ludicrous fantasy of tattered minds sick from a century of war. Wary of any failings in these obvious tricks, gain SR 9+INT, a +4 bonus to all saving throws against spells, and to all dispel magic checks.

Sound Tech/Punk Rocker - At first it was a job, then it was a joy, and finally it became a jaunt into the wrong realm. After playing music a little too loud and falling into a sound-made rift in spacetime, it's your time to bring the noise to the Worldwound. Gain +2 CL on all sonic magical effects, +4 to Persuasion checks, and double CHA when calculating the number of rounds of performance granted by any source.

idk if these are feasible programming-wise but they seem fun

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Here's the backgrounds I've implemented for 5.0.0 so far. Let me know your thoughts

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Rationalist is brutal love it ;)

Demonic cultivator and Enlightened Sage are nice and there is now quite some choice for skill check bas stats.

Musician is the only one I'm not fully convinced since sonic spells do not scale very much. Perhaps add/replace a bonus DC because they usually target fortitude which is often a high save?

bundillion commented 1 year ago

Rationalist might not be the most balanced tradeoff, although maybe just get perfect rolls ig

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

I really love them :D

I was worried about the feasibility of the higher of the two stats backgrounds but seeing it be implemented warms my heart