JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Isekai Human Heritage Idea #118

Open kjk001 opened 1 year ago

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

As the title states, an idea for another human heritage:

Name: Isekai Crossbreed Human

Description: Let us be honest, there is a reason why for any mixed race classification it is always enough to name the non human options. Because generally it is simply save to assume that the other part of it will be human. There is no other race, except for dragons, that is as flexible when it comes to its choice of bed partners and none as flexible when it comes to being fertile when crossbreeding and realistically by now there are no true pure humans left because everyone is at least (1/2)^100 something else. And no matter how close to 0 that number is it is not 0 and for some reason in you all that blood became active as if you were a full member of that species.

What it would do would be actually adding other races to the character so that you count as a member of that speciesas far as feat requirements are concerned.

Sadly not all of the racial bonuses are optional heritages you need to select, some are hardcoded in the species feat added by this.

Dwarf always gives +2 to con and wis and -2 to charisma no matter what heritages you select.

As a result adding all other races as subtypes would end with quite a high modifier.

So I was thinking instead it probably should be a selection where you could select 2 to 3 other races as options.

What do people think of the idea of the heritage at all?

Also what do you think would be a reasonable limit for the amount of selections?

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Love this Idea, this would actually motivate me to play as humans for once lol

I think you should be able to select just 1 race for stats (just a race (e.g. Dwarf's +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma though compatibility with tabletop tweaks should be maintained since it gives some races multiple stat heritage choices where there weren't any before) or a racial heritage (e.g. Faultspawn (Asura-Spawn) or Angelkin (Angel-Blooded))) and feat prerequisite and then select between 1 and 3 races purely for feat prerequisites and/or racial features (e.g. Light Halo & Celestial Resistance or Negative Energy Affinity & Resist Level Drain & Undead Resistance)

Through this the human should be able to have dwarf stats and dhampir racial feats, and be able to obtain both Natural Charmer and Steel Soul

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

See the actual statement above, the racial stats were not even supposed to be the main focus of this heritage but rather the feat qualification. However because some of those racial stats are hardcoded on the race itself rather than a feature automatically gained or a heritage selectable by it they can not be avoided. Removing them all and then adding hidden feats that would readd them would be fairly risky.

Also most of what you listed above are not feats requiring a specific race but actual racial traits or heritages. Those I did not intend to touch with this.

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Then I must have misunderstood I had thought that stat's were supposed to be a focus in this heritage, I don't really mind if you alter it to something like this since I don't really care fore the stat choice myself either:


"*" == Allowing for the human to pick for example: Natural Charmer, Steel Soul or Echoes of Stone which requires a race other than Human

"**" == e.g. Light Halo &/or Celestial Resistance or Negative Energy Affinity, Resist Level Drain &/or Undead Resistance

"*" == e.g. Motherless' bite attack or Angelkin's Lesser Restoration IMPORTANT** not the extra proficiencies, or if you prefer only the proficiencies

Through this the human should be able to have dwarf stats and dhampir racial feats, and be able to obtain both Natural Charmer and Steel Soul

Instead of this, it would be somthing more like the human whould be able to have both Dwarf, Dhampir & Oread racial feats and a Dhampir & Oread heritage ability, and be able to obtain both Natural Charmer, Steel Soul and Echoes of Stone

Though since this human inherited the oreads racial feats it should also have a slower base movement speed etc.

i do for sure think that more than 3 races for any of these possibilities is too much there should regardless also be a none option after having already selected a race for your first choice

I also do believe that in ToyBox choose and pick you could add just a race fact (I don't know for sure if that's the right one and if it works) maybe something like that could be used here, or "just" alter the race specific feats to allow if the character is either that race or has chosen that race for their heritage.

nickr789 commented 1 year ago

An idea I had for a human heritage is something like a "Mythical Hero", that might add a specific legacy to your character depending on the hero chosen, such as:

This way more heroes and legacies can always be added later as well.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

hm, that is not a bad idea, a bit complicated to implement but not bad.

For one such a heritage would require you to definitly pick IP as a class because any progression needs a target class with Level to be added onto. Just going by character level is sadly not possible so it would also be a class specific heritage rahter than just a race specific one.

It also would need a few more suggestions to fill up the initial list.

I also disagree with Joan of Arc as a Paladin, she would be a Cavalier with the Order of the Star or the Order of the Lion preselected

nickr789 commented 1 year ago

Great suggestions.

My only goal with presenting my idea, was to try and come up with a way of creating a heritage for humans that fits the theme of Isekai. I figured by using history or mythology certain character themes could explored and added to for as long as people are willing to contibute to this awesome mod. I agree with you about Joan of Arc, Order of the Star Cavalier is a much better fit. As for more suggestion;

I'm not a programmer or anything, I just read this post and got excited about sharing this idea. If it's to complex to implement or you think it should go in another direction, that's totally fine. Thank you for taking the time to consider it.

bundillion commented 1 year ago

...any progression needs a target class

ok so, this is just a random idea, but what if it had a special human-only additional legacy? it would bypass Godking's needing to spend a special power for one, and would be an extra slot whenever the IP class is chosen, if it can be implemented in some way akin to the class+bloodline specific bonus tieflings get regarding their charisma penalty. If that's out of the question, a human-only general feat requiring IP 1st lvl for an extra legacy?

This is maybe outside the bounds of the original idea, though, especially if the intent is to provide something for humans that can be used outside of the class.

for that, my only ideas are like, some kind of human-only heritage tag that grants a special list of feats that are just copies of racial feats. I dunno if it's easier to copy/paste with a different kind of prerequisite flag or to add that heritage as an -OR- to any of the tags with a racial requirement.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

that actually depends, are there any racial feats that are not part of the racial feat selection besides Destiny beyond Birth?

bundillion commented 1 year ago

If you mean things like Arcane Focus (elf) and Blood Drinker/Feaster (dhampir) or Breadth of Experience (elf, dwarf, or gnome) then yeah, there's a few. Plenty aren't all that amazing but an Edge Lord human with blood feast would be pretty on par for aesthetics.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

and those are the ones I had wanted the legacy to grant access to with the original legacy idea, a special feat that then also grants access to the heritage selection or the automatic heritages feats would be a nice addon but an addon

bundillion commented 1 year ago

I think I was mostly considering the ideas in the second half of piggy's longer post. In terms of general build momentum, humans are already considered top-tier because of the extra feat, so my idea was along something that would be really strong in a class that gives bonus feats to take the pressure off the base feat progression without necessarily becoming overwhelming if it were slapped on a mercenary while the option to give them the IP class is turned off. Which mostly serves to pad the pedestal the MC of wotr already has, now that I say that.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

crossbreed human as a version that just gets access to the feats and no ridiculous stat bonuses implemented, since you still need to take them as actual feats I think that is balanced

GermanDarkShadow commented 1 year ago

Not really sure if it would fit but my suggestion would be

Artificial Human: You are not born, but created by the hand of (eg) Areelu Vorlesh . While she tried to bind the Soul of her Child, it was your Soul of another World, who was forced into this new body. Think this would fit really good into the story itself, doesnt it?

for what it does, I allow myself just to quote the construct powers of PF, not all can and or should be implemented, but it should be a good working progress (tbh, has a lot of similarities of an undead...) No Constitution score. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty). Low-light vision. Darkvision 60 feet. Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). Immunity to disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect. Constructs can also be healed through spells such as [make whole]. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality. Not subject to ability damage and drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage. Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less. A construct cannot be raised or resurrected. A construct is hard to destroy, and gains bonus hit points based on size, as shown on the following table. Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any weapon mentioned in its entry. Proficient with no armor. Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

possible but a lot of customization and quite a few of those effecs are hard to add

bundillion commented 1 year ago

Artificial Human

the forgeborn from 3.5e feels like a better place to start than full-on constructs, but that's still a lot of custom stuff.