JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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5.0.0 Legacies Collection Thread #122

Open kjk001 opened 1 year ago

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Open ToDos:

Format for requests/suggestions: Base Archetype: Arcanist - Eldritch Font Name: Arcanist Legacy - ? Description: ? Archetypes: Mastermind Mechanics: This Archetype will either be added as a free and automatic feat to Mastermind or directly merged into its progression.

Please see conversation below for temporary descriptions, permanent ones will be filled in here once they are considered finalized.

Base Archetype: Shifter Name: Skinwalker Description: Skinwalkers are rare and dangerous predators that choose to exist above the natural order. Rather than communing with nature like the druids, Skinwalkers are known to choose a powerful predator, often times protectors of forests or mountains, before stalking them from the shadows until they find an opportune moment to lay a trap and claim their life. They will then ritually skin their prey before donning their hide and using it to transform into a semblance of its once mighty owner. Many a novice necromancer has actually looked at you in horror at the realization of just what this ritual skinning involved, because he originally thought he was the evil member of the group. Mechanics: Evil alternative for shifter base legacy, mechanically identical to Shifter Legacy - Beast Shifter but only available to evil alignment and with different flavortext

Suggestions that are either To much work for this release due to the amount of customization or require more detail so that I know what to do

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 17 hours ago

I'd like a separate monk-adjacent legacy, for a monk that like the shifter halves his ac bonus when wearing armour, but unlike the shifter feat it just works with all armour (instead of non-metal) this would also be fine to be changed to all non-heavy armour (in which case you could add something like that as a class feat or normal feat after a certain monk level and armour proficiency).

You could call this: Armoured Daoist / Ironclad Daoist. With a description along the lines of: While you train your body and mind you've come to the epiphany that flesh inherently is weak, so you chose to train in both body and armour, and have specialised your martial arts around this, coward.

Also it would be amazing for this legacy in particular to have a single weapon choice which they'll have to commit to like the Sword saint, but making that a separate legacy is fine as well.

If included in prior mentioned legacy it could be called: Imperial master (as in the Chinese / Korean imperial army) or a Samurai With a description along the lines of: Since young you have trained for your lord and country, to utilise martial arts specifically meant for one specific weapon and whilst wearing a set of armour, you became the pinnacle of your lords army and then died, idiot.

Most of the Feats mentioned for these would have to be custom created, so this is something for a later build.

Both Samurai and Demonshifter are at least mehchanically well defined enough that I could start working on them. Since both involve a lot of customization though I would like people to actually indicate if they are interested in them so I know if I really should prioritize them and if so which of them. So please react with a heart of the Samurai and with a rocket for the Demonshifter.

Necht commented 1 year ago

What do you think about it?

I still want a legacy that will consist only of auras:)

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Make some more concrete suggestions for what aura the legacy should get at what level and its description.

Since they would have to all be custom implemented and assigned to levels anyway just saying well all paladin auras but at 30 feet range is not enough of a description

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

I just noticed that the holy beast had actually been added as an archetype by Tabletop Tweaks Base, they had actually patched that in fast enough that I had originally not noticed that it was already an addon

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Names and Descriptions are not finalized, so anyone that feels they have a better idea please present it:

Shifter Base Archetype: Shifter - Holy Beast Name: Shifter Legacy - Divine Beast Description: Your reincarnation was the action of a god.
They send you to this world to be a hero, so while you feel a connection to nature this connection is in a way "tainted" by that divine connection. Your kin are not the normal animals roaming the woods but the divine beasts of your deities realm.

Base Archetype: Shifter - Griffonheart Shaper Name: Shifter Legacy - Shapeshifted Griffon Description: Why does everyone always think of dragons first? We griffons are cool too and unlike dragons we are actually reliable servants of the divine and the symbol of nobility. So just sit back and watch me save this world after that dragon messed up, as dragons always do...

Shifter Base class description rework, split into two mechanically identical heritages, one locked to neutral alignment the other to evil:

Base Archetype: Shifter Name: Shifter Legacy - Beast Shifter Description: You have a connection to nature, maybe one of your ancestors as a were creature or a druidic circle initiated you into the secrets of shapeshifting, regardless of the source you have a connection to the animal kingdrom enabling you to shapeshift. As a result of the nature of your shapeshifter ability you have less choice (you will never be a tree or an elemental) but greater control, allowing for partial shifts.

Base Archetype: Shifter Name: Shifter Legacy - Skinwalker Description: Skinwalkers are rare and dangerous predators that choose to exist above the natural order. Rather than communing with nature like the druids, Skinwalkers are known to choose a powerful predator, often times protectors of forests or mountains, before stalking them from the shadows until they find an opportune moment to lay a trap and claim their life. They will then ritually skin their prey before donning their hide and using it to transform into a semblance of its once mighty owner. Many a novice necromancer has actually looked at you in horror at the realization of just what this ritual skinning involved, because he originally thought he was the evil member of the group.


Base Archetype: Cavalier Name: Cavalier Legacy - Frontline Leader Description: You charge into the thick of things, but no matter how hectic the chaos around you gets you never forget your team. After all teamwork is at its most important if you and the team are surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Base Archetype: Cavalier - Knight of the Wall Name: Cavalier Legacy - Magic Shield Description: What do you mean shields don't stop magic? Well I can make my shield work to block magic too, don't blame me if you are not good enough to do it too...

Base Archetype: Cavalier - Standard Bearer Name: Cavalier Legacy - Backline Leader Description: Some lead from the front, but while you can charge ahead you prefer to lead from the back. After all the backline grants you a much better strategic position to evaluate where the problems in the formation are. Also, at your core you are a caster, so why should you charge into the thick of things?

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

magus and arcanist will follow tommorow at the earliest

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

@Brody1018 I checked the demon progression for shifter and it indead only gains minor aspects and no full transformation, as such we would have to create the actual transformation abilities ourself. Now the Mythic Demon Class already adds Spells that can basically serve as a template for that, so adding those additional resources isn't hard only time intensive.

As such I would like to know how many people actually want to play such a shifter before I spend an entire weekend creating new feats for this...

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Legacies.ods Current Availability Graph: image Legacy Incompatibility Graph: image

If anyone spots an error or wants to make a change suggestions please let me know

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

If anyone spots an error or wants to make a change suggestions please let me know

Dont see any error regarding incompatibilities.

For arcanist legacies : Base one could follow the Sorcerer rules, Eldrich Font could be accessible to God Emperor at 1 Brownfur to Hero (bolster allies) at 1

Both archetypes would be a choice as dual for all that have access to arcanist/sorcerer.

I see you have made quite some new legacies, have you planned the psychokinesist ? Would be nice as a lvl1 option for God Emperor as a WIS based subclass.

Base Archetype: Kineticist - Psychokineticist Name: Kineticist Legacy - The Overmind Description: You harness the elements with your indomitable mind. The constant struggle to contain your powers is a little price to pay for being able to manipulate the very creation.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

If we are adding it specifically as a primary choice for God Emperor as an option, then the description should reflect that and make some reference to the fact that it is through the power of the will that grasps the laws of nature on its way to divinity or something like that...

kjk001 commented 1 year ago


Base Archetype: Arcanist Name: Arcanist Legacy - Arcanist Description: Your otherworldy background allows you to easily graps some of the exploits available within the laws of magic. This allows you to shape the magic around you in specific ways that might be similar to spells but are not quite spells.

Base Archetype: Arcanist - Brown Fur Transmuter Name: Arcanist Legacy - Brown Fur Transmuter Description: TBD

Base Archetype: Arcanist - Eldritch Font Name: Arcanist Legacy - Eldritch Font Description: TBD


Base Archetype: Magus Name: Magus Legacy - Magus Description: You blend the powers of martial traning and spellcasting into a single style. After all hundrets of anime/games/books taught you just how dangerous overspecialisation in either art can be.

Base Archetype: Magus - Eldritch Archer Name: Magus Legacy - Eldritch Archer Description: Now listen, if you can imbue into and cast your magic through a sword or axe, what exactly prevents you from doing the same with an arrow? Let me tell you, the answer is nothing. So watch me as I remain savely at range and give my enemy a nasty suprise when hiding behind his nice large metal shield only made him a bigger more conductive target for the lighting spell I hid in my arrow...

Base Archetype: Magus - Spell Dancer Name: Magus Legacy - Spell Dancer Description: So you were not really into martial arts or physical fighting of any kind. More like hundrets of hours of ballet lessons now serve as he basis of some really good dodging skills. Now with magical powers running through your veins you are even more flexible and thus have an even easier time dodging. According to some elf you met this is actually a special elven form of magic called spell dancing.

Base Archetype: Magus - Sword Saint Name: Magus Legacy - Sword Saint Description: TBD

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Base Archetype: Arcanist - Eldritch Font Name: Arcanist Legacy - Eldritch Font Description: You have kept a spark of power from the deity that proceeded to your reincarnation. By cultivating that divine seed you are capable of magic feats unattainable to mere mortals.

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Hey, does some legacies still need some basic description?

Don't know what you could include in the end beside what was already in your previous chart. (Psychokineticist or Sword Saint?)

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

everything that is in the previous chart(including sword saint) is implemented, even though in some cases I am a bit unhappy because due to a lack of good ideas for the description they simply point to the base class description for now.

Psychokineticist isn't because if it is meant to be the type for God Emperor and represent divine elemental growth I really would like a description that fits the God Emperor rather than that of the generic Psychokineticist...

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Base Archetype: Kineticist - Psychokineticist Name: Elemental Ascendent Description: The unfathomable willpower needed to fuel your own ascenscion allows you to bend the elements as you see fit. As your divine essence matures you push the limits of your mind ever so far to claim dominion over the fundamental forces of the multiverse, sometimes at the risk of being overwhelmed by them.

Mental Burn You can reach powers beyond mortal capabilities. Yet those surges of pure godly might take a toll on your still unstable divine essence.

Something more like that?

kjk001 commented 1 year ago


ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Suggestions that are either To much work for this release due to the amount of customization or require more detail so that I know what to do

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 17 hours ago

I'd like a separate monk-adjacent legacy, for a monk that like the shifter halves his ac bonus when wearing armour, but unlike the shifter feat it just works with all armour (instead of non-metal) this would also be fine to be changed to all non-heavy armour (in which case you could add something like that as a class feat or normal feat after a certain monk level and armour proficiency). You could call this: Armoured Daoist / Ironclad Daoist. With a description along the lines of: While you train your body and mind you've come to the epiphany that flesh inherently is weak, so you chose to train in both body and armour, and have specialised your martial arts around this, coward. Also it would be amazing for this legacy in particular to have a single weapon choice which they'll have to commit to like the Sword saint, but making that a separate legacy is fine as well. If included in prior mentioned legacy it could be called: Imperial master (as in the Chinese / Korean imperial army) or a Samurai With a description along the lines of: Since young you have trained for your lord and country, to utilise martial arts specifically meant for one specific weapon and whilst wearing a set of armour, you became the pinnacle of your lords army and then died, idiot.

Most of the Feats mentioned for these would have to be custom created, so this is something for a later build.

  • Demon Based Shifter Legacy Variant, requires checking how much would have to be added in custom abilities.
  • An Aura Master Legacy granting specific auras every few levels

Both Samurai and Demonshifter are at least mehchanically well defined enough that I could start working on them. Since both involve a lot of customization though I would like people to actually indicate if they are interested in them so I know if I really should prioritize them and if so which of them. So please react with a heart of the Samurai and with a rocket for the Demonshifter.

Are these planned for anytime soon? Or should I just commit to a full campaign with one of the current legacies first?