JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
MIT License
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Localization with AI/ML translation #138

Closed JohN100x1 closed 1 year ago

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Implement localization for all languages using machine translation. Possible options:

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

the question is if there is one that could be told the format of the json file and then just adds the code in the correct place

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

I think I can make a simple script to read the json, perform an ensemble translation and pick the best one based on some evaluation metrics. The difficulty is that I have no ground truth for what the translated text should be.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Maybe ask a discord team that specializes in translating games like the Amateur Modding Avenue what machine translators work best in their experience?

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

sample translation from chatgpt which took about 2 mins

    "Key": "714b99be4cc74d8ea02500d4c7cffa4e",
    "SimpleName": "$IsekaiProtagonistSpellbook.Name",
    "ProcessTemplates": false,
    "enGB": "Isekai Protagonist",
    "ruRU": "Исекай Протагонист",
    "deDE": "Isekai-Hauptfigur",
    "frFR": "Protagoniste d'Isekai",
    "zhCN": "异世界主角",
    "esES": "Protagonista de Isekai"
    "Key": "457405fbd37c412f96c2be6b5109c612",
    "SimpleName": "PlotArmor.Description",
    "ProcessTemplates": true,
    "enGB": "You gain a luck bonus to {g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}AC{/g} and all {g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}saving throws{/g} equal to your character level.",
    "ruRU": "Вы получаете бонус удачи к {g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}КД{/g} и всем {g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}спасброскам{/g}, равный вашему уровню персонажа.",
    "deDE": "Du erhältst einen Glücksbonus auf {g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}RK{/g} und alle {g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}Rettungswürfe{/g}, der deinem Charakterlevel entspricht.",
    "frFR": "Vous obtenez un bonus de chance à {g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}CA{/g} et à tous les {g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}jets de sauvegarde{/g} égal à votre niveau de personnage.",
    "zhCN": "你获得了一个幸运加值,对{g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}护甲等级{/g}和所有{g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}豁免检定{/g},加值等于你的角色等级。",
    "esES": "Obtienes un bonificador de suerte a {g|Encyclopedia:Armor_Class}CA{/g} y a todas las {g|Encyclopedia:Saving_Throw}tiradas de salvación{/g} iguales a tu nivel de personaje."
    "Key": "f161809e34be41d69fead36851be775a",
    "SimpleName": "UnlimitedPowerAbility.Name",
    "ProcessTemplates": false,
    "enGB": "Overpowered Ability — Unlimited Power",
    "ruRU": "Сверхмощная способность - Бесконечная мощь",
    "deDE": "Übermächtige Fähigkeit - Unbegrenzte Macht",
    "frFR": "Capacité surpuissante - Puissance illimitée",
    "zhCN": "超能力 - 无限力量",
    "esES": "Habilidad sobrepotenciada - Poder ilimitado"
    "Key": "ac27deaf79654a76a107f202cbc6d7a1",
    "SimpleName": "IsekaiDialogueHorgusReply.Text",
    "ProcessTemplates": false,
    "enGB": "\"My daughter?\" {n}Horgus takes a quick glance at Camellia.{/n} \"I don't think you know what sort of person she is. {n}Horgus takes a breath.{/n} Regardless, it seems my previous offer was somewhat insulting. Two thousand gold it is.\"",
    "ruRU": "\"Моя дочь?\" {n}Хоргус быстро взглянул на Камеллию.{/n} \"Я не думаю, что вы знаете, какой она человек. {n}Хоргус вздохнул.{/n} В любом случае, кажется, мое предыдущее предложение было немного оскорбительным. Две тысячи золотых монет - это цена.\"",
    "deDE": "\"Meine Tochter?\" {n}Horgus wirft Camellia einen schnellen Blick zu.{/n} \"Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie wissen, was für eine Person sie ist. {n}Horgus atmet tief durch.{/n} Wie auch immer, es scheint, dass mein vorheriges Angebot etwas beleidigend war. Es sind zweitausend Goldstücke.\"",
    "frFR": "\"Ma fille ?\" {n}Horgus jette un rapide coup d'œil à Camellia.{/n} \"Je ne pense pas que vous sachiez quel genre de personne elle est. {n}Horgus prend une inspiration.{/n} Quoi qu'il en soit, il semble que mon offre précédente était quelque peu insultante. Deux mille pièces d'or, c'est ça.\"",
    "zhCN": "\"我的女儿?\" {n}霍格斯快速地瞥了一眼卡梅莉娅。{/n} \"我不认为你知道她是什么样的人。{n}霍格斯深吸了一口气。{/n} 无论如何,我的前一份报价似乎有些冒犯。两千金币就是了。\"",
    "esES": "\"¿Mi hija?\" {n}Horgus echa un rápido vistazo a Camellia.{/n} \"No creo que sepas qué tipo de persona es. {n}Horgus respira hondo.{/n} De todos modos, parece que mi oferta anterior fue algo insultante. Dos mil monedas de oro es.\""
    "Key": "93e8122c42ad42eea553345845569377",
    "SimpleName": "FriendlyAura.Description",
    "ProcessTemplates": false,
    "enGB": "You emit an aura of friendship that cause enemies to subconsciously hold back.\nEnemies within 40 feet take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.",
    "ruRU": "Вы испускаете ауру дружелюбия, которая заставляет врагов бессознательно сдерживаться.\nВраги в пределах 40 футов получают штраф –4 к броскам атаки и урона.",
    "deDE": "Du strahlst eine Aura der Freundschaft aus, die Feinde unterbewusst zurückhält.\nFeinde innerhalb von 40 Fuß erleiden einen Malus von –4 auf Angriffs- und Schadenswürfe.",
    "frFR": "Vous émettez une aura d'amitié qui pousse les ennemis à se retenir inconsciemment.\nLes ennemis dans un rayon de 40 pieds subissent un malus de –4 aux jets d'attaque et de dégâts.",
    "zhCN": "你散发出一股友谊光环,使敌人下意识地退缩。\n40英尺内的敌人在攻击和伤害骰上受到-4的惩罚。",
    "esES": "Emites un aura de amistad que hace que los enemigos se contengan subconscientemente.\nLos enemigos dentro de 40 pies sufren una penalización de –4 en los ataques y tiradas de daño."
JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

this was for 5 entries so for the full localisation it's about 750 entries which is 2 mins * 750/5 = 5 hours 😵‍💫

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

So do we have native speakers that can say anything about the quality of those translations?

Or volunters to actually enter that data because I am certain John will go mad if he is the one that has to spend those 5 hours doing it alone

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

I'm French so I will go for this one :p The translation is actually quite accurate.

I could do a review of the translated text to check errors (or the correct use of pathfinder vocabulary)

Necht commented 1 year ago

Maybe i can help with the translation into russian. But only in summer.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

I was able to get the localization script to work (took several days due to rate limiting from chatgpt). The translations will still need to be proofread.

Here's the localization pack:

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Tomorrow is a holiday in France so I'll look into this.

Should be quite easy, even with so many prompts, since most have official pathfinder translations.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

My automatic localization pipeline finally worked. I feel so proud. 😊

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

I made all translation corrections I could see in the pack.

There must be some typos and I have to check if the conditions are well translated (since a number of them are very similar) but I think I've made quite a good job for the French part.

(and my eyes are bleeding...)

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

@JohN100x1 I don't know if you had my pull request.

I've made the modifications in one go and had some issue at the end (session expired I guess), if need be I saved everything.

Edit : had not send the actual request, it was a loooong reading indeed x)

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Cool I will take a look

Necht commented 1 year ago

This is a good translation, you did a great job! But there are mistakes in the game terminology.