JohN100x1 / IsekaiMod

An unbalanced gameplay mod for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Few legacy ideas #83

Closed Rinelw closed 1 year ago

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Kineticist Legacy - Dark Elementalist Alternative version of Kinetic Lord but uses Dark Elementalist Archetype and int scaling instead.

Genius Legacy - Master of All Trades Gives you one additional feat every even level.

Nature Legacy - Nature Mage Gives you druid's wild shape feature.

Warrior's Legacy - Fighting Spirit Basic Fighter into a legacy

Brawler's Legacy - Fist of a Dragon Scaled Fist Monk into a legacy

Judge's Legacy - Lawyer Reborn Gives Inquisitor's abilities.

Additionally, I think you should limit legacies, so you can only pick them at 1st level, when you choose class for the first time.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Great ideas. I think it makes sense to limit the legacies so that the Legacy Class Feature and the Dual Class - Legacy Class Feature can only be selected once each. I'll see if there's any components that specify a prerequisite "level x or lower", but if not then I'll make a component for it.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

On a second thought I think it is better only limit dual class to use class level instead of player level for this, because in a rare case someone multiclasses into isekai protagonist they won't be able to choose any legacy.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Legacy Class Feature is restricted by nature because you get only a single selection version(depending on your archetype) of it at level 1, so really the restriction is only needed on the dual one and there a precondition that the feat can not be picked multiple times should work well enough. I will take care of that during the next few days.

For fighter, monk, and judge I would like a few more infos what exactly you imagine the abilities you gain to be.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Fighter - Level in IP count as fighter levels for purpose of other feats. You get Bravery, Weapon Training, Armor Training, Weapon Mastery and Armor Mastery Monk - You get everything that scaled fist monk gets, except of movement speed and Bonus Feats + instead of [Ki Strike - Lawful] you get to choose if it's Lawful or Chaotic or Good or Evil. Judge - You get what Inquisitor gets except of Domain and Teamwork feats(or merge it with tactician so you get the teamwork feats)

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Please also do something like a chimera for bloodrager bloodlines (melee and shit) and one for the shifter class (if you have the dlc probably), probably with only one or two shapeshifting choices, or heritage choices if you want to go in depth

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

IP levels already count as fighter levels for purposes of qualifying for other feats.

I will consider the rest. Bloodrager bloodline version sounds like something that should only be available to Edge Lords, what do you think @JohN100x1 ?

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

I mean honestly I just want my bloodraging dread knight villain (without gestalt this time), but if it's made edgelord only I'll have to try that way as well

regarding rage (and bloodrage btw) since it is attainable via legacy now, should there be something like their subclasses available as perks only available to those who picked the legacy, example spelleating / armored stance (and or training) this probably applies tho other legacies as well, but well, I haven't played those at all yet

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

I never played bloodrager before but from what I read it does seem very melee focused so making it edgelord only makes sense. I had originally intended the villain to be a magic-focus subclass but I think at this moment I've made it too powerful with the amount of OP abilities it has.

ThePiggyGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Well, an Bloodrager is supposed to be like a barbarian with enough self control / (innate) talent to be able to cast spells, my biggest thing for it though is that when bloodraging your bloodline manifests in ways that help you in melee sure, but, honestly with even the isekai protag main class (let alone edgelord) they aren't really necessary, bloodrage (with mods) just has awesome feats I want to be able to use as an isekai protag.

I suppose it's at the most as fitting for edge lord exclusivity as the magus one is, since they are both different takes on the same idea (melee caster / magic user)

on an entirely unrelated note, in character creation with it still available on class selection, i can't seem to find the dread knight legacy in any of the legacy selections? if it's not a mistake on my part, I'll make a separate issue for this

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

I never played bloodrager before but from what I read it does seem very melee focused so making it edgelord only makes sense. I had originally intended the villain to be a magic-focus subclass but I think at this moment I've made it too powerful with the amount of OP abilities it has.

Instead of nerfing amount of op abilities, you could give him a weakness, because every villain has a weakness. Allow players to choose to which element/physical damage type they are vulnerable to so they take double damage from it are unable to mitigate it with immunities. Do the same for one type of physical damage but give him an option to mitigate one of these vulnerabilities.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Yeah the villain is supposed to be a thinker so any kind of rage does not really fit with their modus operandi.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

a disatvantage might be an idea, it doesn't even have to be a vulnerability to an element or weapon, it could be something like "Always overthinking things - you always spend the first round evaluating the enemy, no matter how pathetic they are, you always have to consider the trap that might be hidden in every fight before you feel free to act"

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

hm, is there a way to limit beneficial spells to yourself? "Inherent distrust - you refuse to truly consider your allies companions and to trust them fully, as such beneficial aoe spells tend to exclude them when cast by you..."

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

Instead of nerfing amount of op abilities, you could give him a weakness, because every villain has a weakness. Allow players to choose to which element/physical damage type they are vulnerable to so they take double damage from it are unable to mitigate it with immunities. Do the same for one type of physical damage but give him an option to mitigate one of these vulnerabilities.

@Nerin3 It was just a thought I had, but I realised the irony of making this super unbalanced Isekai protagonist class only to think about how to balance its subclasses. Maybe there isn't really a need to consider a nerf.

hm, is there a way to limit beneficial spells to yourself? "Inherent distrust - you refuse to truly consider your allies companions and to trust them fully, as such beneficial aoe spells tend to exclude them when cast by you..."

@kjk001 This sounds like a really huge handicap, and also kind of awkward considering the villain has the Corrupt Aura feature which buffs allies. I'm thinking villains could have a selection of tragic "backstories" with disadvantages on a similiar level to oracle curses.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

mechanically yes, rp wise there would be at least one villain that it would fit for :D

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

@Nerin3 Feedback question regarding the scaled fist, is the reason for the scaled fist specifically its slightly draconic abilities or the fact that its ac bonus uses charisma rather than wisdom? Because patching just that feat as part of the legacy would likely be easier than patching everything subclass dependent...

Someone else had also suggested Overwhelming Soul as a kinetic subclass so I will look at both as options for the next patch.

Bloodrager, I am not sure if it should have a chimera aspect like the sorcerer. But it definitly should be incompatible with sorc legacy if added.

Shifter I am still highly tempted to just mix together with druid for a true shapeshifter.

Ah well I guess I know what I will be spending my weekend on.

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

@Nerin3 Feedback question regarding the scaled fist, is the reason for the scaled fist specifically its slightly draconic abilities or the fact that its ac bonus uses charisma rather than wisdom? Because patching just that feat as part of the legacy would likely be easier than patching everything subclass dependent...

Someone else had also suggested Overwhelming Soul as a kinetic subclass so I will look at both as options for the next patch.

Bloodrager, I am not sure if it should have a chimera aspect like the sorcerer. But it definitly should be incompatible with sorc legacy if added.

Shifter I am still highly tempted to just mix together with druid for a true shapeshifter.

Ah well I guess I know what I will be spending my weekend on.

It uses charisma and is the most isekaiprotagonist-like out of them. Why be a boring monk when you can be a dragon monk?

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Also there is this mod: Which adds a proper antipaladin, so you could use this one as an alternative to Dread Lord.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

Dread Lord and this class are actually fairly identical when it comes to the base class(though it has a more archetypes), but Dread Lord had the nicer pictures for its feats in my opinion...

Archetypes that overrule the base types resource system are a special kind of hell, particulary since the overruling tends to be useless because the new resource and feats tend to do the exact same thing (coughs eldritch scion) only restricted purely to that archetype. That is why I asked regarding the monk as just flipping the one feat that uses charisma rather than wisdom would be easier if the breath weapon is not an essential requirement...

Rinelw commented 1 year ago

Well it's not essential, but I figured Scaled Fist fits better the isekai protagonist from the aesthetic point of view.

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

Judge - You get what Inquisitor gets except of Domain and Teamwork feats(or merge it with tactician so you get the teamwork feats)

Well, the litteral Judge Archetype can be used, so team feats are excluded and there is a unique judgement aura.

JohN100x1 commented 1 year ago

User asks:

Are you still working on legacies? I'd like to see a Witch legacy, not just Shaman, specifically because if you take Hex Channeler you can't progress its channel ability with shaman hexes, only witch hexes.

Not sure about this one so I'll leave it for you guys to decide if it's worth to implement.

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

For one I would let the witch hexes to the Villain if you keep this idea. There are already various ways to have channel energy without hex channeler and the specific witch hexes could really open the build possibilities for the Villain subclass which is powerful but limited with legacies. And it does give a defining flavor.

kjk001 commented 1 year ago

User asks:

Are you still working on legacies? I'd like to see a Witch legacy, not just Shaman, specifically because if you take Hex Channeler you can't progress its channel ability with shaman hexes, only witch hexes.

Not sure about this one so I'll leave it for you guys to decide if it's worth to implement.

I don't really use hex users so I was unaware that there is a big difference in the list of available hexes and their progressions. I will add it to my current list for 4.3.

Mythalar commented 1 year ago

I don't really use hex users so I was unaware that there is a big difference in the list of available hexes and their progressions. I will add it to my current list for 4.3.

I would integrated this legacy in the Mastermind subclass the same way as I would integrate domain powers to the Gode Emperor to give them a unique theme.