JohNan / homeassistant-wellbeing

Get the status from your Electrolux devices connected to Wellbeing
MIT License
83 stars 23 forks source link

No devices or entities found #88

Open danisowa opened 9 months ago

danisowa commented 9 months ago

Adding wellbeing account succeeded but no entites were found.

024-02-14 16:58:18.617 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Received new token sucssfully 2024-02-14 16:58:18.710 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Fetched data: [{'applianceId': ..... 2024-02-14 16:58:18.831 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Fetched data: {'manufacturingDateCode': '129', 'serialNumber': 'xxxxxxxxx', 'pnc': 'xxxxxxxx', 'brand': 'AEG', 'market': 'EUROPE', 'productArea': 'WELLBEING', 'deviceType': 'AIR_PURIFIER', 'project': 'HIMALAYA', 'model': 'AX9', 'variant': 'CADR600', 'colour': 'GREY'}

2024-02-14 16:58:18.832 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Finished fetching wellbeing data in 0.214 seconds (success: False)

Hom Assistant Version used 2024.1.6

Device is: AX91-604GY

sirjha commented 6 months ago

I’m experiencing the same issue with an AEG Dishwasher, it did work on previous version of HA. Now running HA 2024.5.2.

JohNan commented 3 months ago

Enable logging and let me know the results

    pyelectroluxgroup.appliance: debug
ilantech commented 2 months ago

Just got the Pure A9 yesterday - and having the same issue.

4-08-29 23:39:09.019 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance info {'serialNumber': 'xxxx', 'pnc': 'xxxx', 'brand': 'ELECTROLUX', 'deviceType': 'AIR_PURIFIER', 'model': 'A9', 'variant': 'CADR600', 'colour': 'GREY'}

2024-08-29 23:39:09.020 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance state {'applianceId': 'xxxx', 'connectionState': 'Disconnected', 'status': 'enabled', 'properties': {'reported': {'$version': 1}}}

2024-08-29 23:39:09.020 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance capabilities {'PM1': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'PM10': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'PM2_5': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'TVOC': {'access': 'read', 'max': 4295, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'max': 9, 'min': 1, 'schedulable': True, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}, 'Workmode': {'access': 'readwrite', 'schedulable': True, 'triggers': [{'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'disabled': True, 'max': 9, 'min': 1, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'Auto', 'operator': 'eq'}}, {'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'max': 9, 'min': 1, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'Manual', 'operator': 'eq'}}, {'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'disabled': True, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'PowerOff', 'operator': 'eq'}}], 'type': 'string', 'values': {'Manual': {}, 'PowerOff': {}, 'Auto': {}}}}

2024-08-29 23:39:09.021 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Appliance initial: {'applianceId': 'xxxx', 'applianceName': 'Air purifier', 'applianceType': 'PUREA9', 'created': '2024-08-29T21:14:24.111+00:00'}

2024-08-29 23:39:09.021 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Appliance state: {'$version': 1}

2024-08-29 23:39:09.022 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Finished fetching wellbeing data in 0.485 seconds (success: False)

danielskowronski commented 4 weeks ago

Same for me, Pure Multi 700.

Unfortunately, I temporarily locked myself out of the API by trying to re-create a token (turns out they allow creating one token per 24hrs and revoking the old one does not reset this window). However, capture logs look the same - correct API responses for state and capabilities, yet device getting ignored by integration.

2024-10-27 15:06:13.058 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance info {'serialNumber': 'XXXXXXXX', 'pnc': '950011643', 'brand': 'ELECTROLUX', 'deviceType': 'MULTI_AIR_PURIFIER', 'model': 'PUREMULTI700', 'variant': 'TM1', 'colour': 'DARKGREY'}
2024-10-27 15:06:13.059 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance state {'applianceId': '950011643XXXXXXXXYYYYYYY', 'connectionState': 'Connected', 'status': 'enabled', 'properties': {'reported': {'FilterLife_1': 73, 'FilterType_1': 55, 'FilterUID_1': '456B82A701191', 'Workmode': 'Auto', 'Fanspeed': 1, 'SafetyLock': False, 'Ionizer': True, 'FilterType_2': 194, 'FilterLife_2': 54, 'capabilities': {'humidity': {}, 'TVOC': {}, 'ionizer': {}}, 'SchedulingState': 'ongoing', 'AQILight': 'ambient', 'Humidification': False, 'HumidityTarget': 50, 'Monitoring': False, 'LouverSwing': 'off', 'FilterUID_2': '45FD12A701191', 'WaterTrayLevelLow': False, 'QuietFan': 'off', 'ErrCommSensorDisplayBrd': 'not active', 'ErrImpellerStuck': 'not active', 'ErrPmNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrGasNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrTempRhNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagNotPres_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagNotPres_2': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagPresNotValid_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagPresNotValid_2': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTransceiver_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTransceiver_2': 'not active', 'ErrWaterTrayRemoved': 'not active', 'logE': 3809, 'logW': 778, 'InterfaceVer': 20220824, 'VmNo_NIU': 'VM185_A_01.43.02_VERBIER', 'VmNo_MCU': 'VM187_A_01.16.00', 'FrmVer_NIU': '1.43.2', 'HumidificationFilter_ResetDate': '2024-10-26', 'SignalStrength': 'FAIR', 'tasks': {###}, '$version': 107, 'deviceId': '950011643XXXXXXXXYYYYYYY', 'PM1': 7, 'PM2_5': 7, 'PM10': 9, 'Temp': 25.8, 'Humidity': 53, 'ECO2': 661, 'TVOC': 441}}}
2024-10-27 15:06:13.059 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyelectroluxgroup.appliance] Appliance capabilities {'PM1': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'PM10': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'PM2_5': {'access': 'read', 'max': 65535, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'TVOC': {'access': 'read', 'max': 4295, 'min': 0, 'step': 1, 'type': 'number'}, 'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'max': 5, 'min': 1, 'schedulable': True, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}, 'Workmode': {'access': 'readwrite', 'schedulable': True, 'triggers': [{'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'disabled': True, 'max': 5, 'min': 1, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'Auto', 'operator': 'eq'}}, {'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'max': 5, 'min': 1, 'step': 1, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'Manual', 'operator': 'eq'}}, {'action': {'Fanspeed': {'access': 'readwrite', 'disabled': True, 'type': 'int'}}, 'condition': {'operand_1': 'value', 'operand_2': 'PowerOff', 'operator': 'eq'}}], 'type': 'string', 'values': {'Manual': {}, 'PowerOff': {}, 'Auto': {}}}}
2024-10-27 15:06:13.059 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Appliance initial: {'applianceId': '950011643XXXXXXXXYYYYYYY', 'applianceName': 'PUREMULTI700', 'applianceType': 'Verbier', 'created': '2024-10-26T22:54:30.532+00:00'}
2024-10-27 15:06:13.059 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Appliance state: {'FilterLife_1': 73, 'FilterType_1': 55, 'FilterUID_1': '456B82A701191', 'Workmode': 'Auto', 'Fanspeed': 1, 'SafetyLock': False, 'Ionizer': True, 'FilterType_2': 194, 'FilterLife_2': 54, 'capabilities': {'humidity': {}, 'TVOC': {}, 'ionizer': {}}, 'SchedulingState': 'ongoing', 'AQILight': 'ambient', 'Humidification': False, 'HumidityTarget': 50, 'Monitoring': False, 'LouverSwing': 'off', 'FilterUID_2': '45FD12A701191', 'WaterTrayLevelLow': False, 'QuietFan': 'off', 'ErrCommSensorDisplayBrd': 'not active', 'ErrImpellerStuck': 'not active', 'ErrPmNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrGasNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrTempRhNotResp': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagNotPres_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagNotPres_2': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagPresNotValid_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTagPresNotValid_2': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTransceiver_1': 'not active', 'ErrNfcTransceiver_2': 'not active', 'ErrWaterTrayRemoved': 'not active', 'logE': 3809, 'logW': 778, 'InterfaceVer': 20220824, 'VmNo_NIU': 'VM185_A_01.43.02_VERBIER', 'VmNo_MCU': 'VM187_A_01.16.00', 'FrmVer_NIU': '1.43.2', 'HumidificationFilter_ResetDate': '2024-10-26', 'SignalStrength': 'FAIR', 'tasks': {###}, '$version': 107, 'deviceId': '950011643XXXXXXXXYYYYYYY', 'PM1': 7, 'PM2_5': 7, 'PM10': 9, 'Temp': 25.8, 'Humidity': 53, 'ECO2': 661, 'TVOC': 441}

From a quick glance at the code, it seems like it's a matter of adding missing IDs. Plus, it'd be good to report unrecognized devices in the log with enough details to easily submit Github issue.

JohNan commented 4 weeks ago

Device type MULTI_AIR_PURIFIER is not supported.

Since you have added the payload I can look into it when I get some time over, but feel free to open up a pull request to add it.