JohNan / homeassistant-wellbeing

Get the status from your Electrolux devices connected to Wellbeing
MIT License
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Integration suddenly not working anymore #92

Closed thoompje closed 2 months ago

thoompje commented 2 months ago

Suddenly the integration stopped working and I got the following logging:

2024-05-13 15:36:55.879 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] Error, got error 429 () from server - 429, message='', url=URL('')
2024-05-13 15:36:55.880 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.wellbeing] AccessToken 2 is missing

App is doing fine, what can it be and how can I fix it? Many thanks all!

thoompje commented 2 months ago

Anyone any idea? Log is getting crazy.

TobiasLaross commented 2 months ago

Probably some rate limiting, I removed the integration yesterday and today it worked again

thoompje commented 2 months ago

Working again indeed