JohanBendz / com.tuya.zigbee

MIT License
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Device Request - QS-Zigbee-C03 - Lonsonho #889

Open romanslezar opened 6 days ago

romanslezar commented 6 days ago


Device Information

Device Interview:

"ids": { "modelId": "TS130F", "manufacturerName": "_TZ3210_ol1uhvza" }, "endpoints": { "ieeeAddress": "a4:c1:38:fa:cb:ba:03:01", "networkAddress": 21596, "modelId": "TS130F", "manufacturerName": "_TZ3210_ol1uhvza", "endpointDescriptors": [ { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 21596, "_reserved": 20, "endpointId": 1, "applicationProfileId": 260, "applicationDeviceId": 514, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 1, "inputClusters": [ 4, 5, 258, 0 ], "outputClusters": [ 25, 10 ] }, { "status": "SUCCESS", "nwkAddrOfInterest": 21596, "_reserved": 10, "endpointId": 242, "applicationProfileId": 41440, "applicationDeviceId": 97, "applicationDeviceVersion": 0, "_reserved1": 0, "inputClusters": [], "outputClusters": [ 33 ] } ], "deviceType": "router", "receiveWhenIdle": true, "capabilities": { "alternatePANCoordinator": false, "deviceType": true, "powerSourceMains": true, "receiveWhenIdle": true, "security": false, "allocateAddress": true }, "extendedEndpointDescriptors": { "1": { "clusters": { "groups": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "nameSupport", "value": { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 0 ] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "scenes": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "windowCovering": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 61440, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 8, "name": "currentPositionLiftPercentage", "value": 100, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 61441, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 61442, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 61443, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 32768, "reportingConfiguration": { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "direction": "reported" } } ] }, "basic": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 0, "name": "zclVersion", "value": 3 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 1, "name": "appVersion", "value": 129 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 2, "name": "stackVersion", "value": 0 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 3, "name": "hwVersion", "value": 1 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 4, "name": "manufacturerName", "value": "_TZ3210_ol1uhvza" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 5, "name": "modelId", "value": "TS130F" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 6, "name": "dateCode", "value": "" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 7, "name": "powerSource", "value": "mains" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "writable", "reportable" ], "id": 65502 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 2 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65534, "name": "attributeReportingStatus", "value": "PENDING" }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65506 }, { "acl": [ "readable", "reportable" ], "id": 65507 } ] } }, "bindings": { "ota": {}, "time": { "attributes": [ { "acl": [ "readable" ], "id": 65533, "name": "clusterRevision", "value": 1 } ] } } }, "242": { "clusters": {}, "bindings": {} } } }

Additional Comments:

Note: Provide any other relevant information or requests related to the device. Link to where you bought the device can be of help

How to interview a device

Note: To be able to add more devices to the Tuya Zigbee app, we rely on community members like you to provide interviews of the devices you want to be added. Thank you for your contribution!