JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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update project to work with new iOS17 EKEventStore requirements #461

Closed paulplant closed 9 months ago

paulplant commented 9 months ago

iOS17-specific NSCalendarsFullAccessUsageDescription key added to info.plist. This will allow the app to ask for Full Access when using iOS17.


If using iOS17, we will now check to see if Full Access is granted (if an existing user has just updated to iOS17, then it won't be). If not, then calendar events will be disabled (to prevent the calendar from filling up with old events) and we will prompt the user to update their calendar settings from 'Add Events Only' to 'Full Access'. If no access is granted, the existing warning is used.


Once the update to Full Access in the iPhone Settings, the app will allow normal Calendar Event use again.

if using <=iOS16 we will use the previous/existing workflow but with small corrections to the error messaging if calendar permission is disabled.

Translations added for Spanish and Dutch.

LiroyvH commented 9 months ago

Tested this and everything seems to work in general 👍🏻