JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for OpenGlück #479

Open callms opened 7 months ago

callms commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'm the maintainer of OpenGlück, a platform to help diabetics handle their diabetes. In particular, OpenGlück features a native app that works with iOS, Apple Watch, macOS (even tvOS) and features all supported complication layouts and widget sizes, including Standby Mode.

By design, OpenGlück is very dumb in that its goal is not to provide any support for any specific device and brand.

That's where this PR comes in, as I am also a user of xDrip4iOS, I wanted to bring OpenGlück support to this app.

Let me know if there is any way I could help improve this pull request. You can also read more about the motivation behind the project in the OpenGlück Manifesto.

(By the way, for my Apple Watch, although having a Developer Account provides the best experience, with always up to date widgets, I'm using a Contact Trick, that you could find useful, too. It provides a nice alternative to the Calendar Trick you are using, and is available in more widget sizes.)

paulplant commented 7 months ago

Thanks @callms , we'll look into this deeper. It looks like a really nice job!

Would it make sense to port the "contact trick" into xDrip4iOS for users that don't use OpenGlück?

callms commented 7 months ago

Thanks @paulplant! I'm glad there is a community dedicated to providing solutions for diabetics, and it's always nice to see how different apps can integrate together to provide new solutions.

Porting the Contact Trick is definitely a good idea, opening #481 to track this. For reference OG source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, so no trouble with copying code as needed to incorporate here.

yurique commented 4 months ago

I tried building this branch and it complains: The remote repository could not be accessed. Make sure a valid repository exists at the specified location and that the correct credentials have been supplied. returns a 404 - Not Found

callms commented 4 months ago

I tried building this branch and it complains: The remote repository could not be accessed. Make sure a valid repository exists at the specified location and that the correct credentials have been supplied. returns a 404 - Not Found

Weird, crsohr was the old owner of the repository that was migrated to callms. Supposedly GitHub should track the change and redirect but it looks like it stopped doing so, I committed a change here that should fix it:

Let me know!

paulplant commented 3 months ago

Hi guys, what's the current status of this PR?

@callms , I'm getting confused with your usernames :) There are different usernames from you supporting different open PRs.

Can you give us some more information open OG? How many people are actually using it at the moment? Have you implemented it into any other apps?

Do you have an updated statement about "how" OG would benefit a good amount of xDrip4iOS users? Considering most already use Nightscout and there will shortly be a new Watch app and widgets everywhere, we need to understand and explain to everyone.

We'd definitely be interested in implementing but we just need to make sure everything is working and gives real value to the users. Also, is there an online support forum for OG? Adding this to xDrip4iOS is likely to produce a lot of support requests that can't really be managed from within the xDrip4iOS group.


callms commented 3 months ago

@paulplant I had several usernames in the past, but merged those, as even I was getting confused. :)

I do not track how many people are using OG, certainly the project is on the small-scale level — I have been using it for some months before I released it — at the same time, I am not actively promoting it. If I trust the metrics on Docker Hub, there have been around ~150 pulls of the pre-built image. Of course, I am more than happy to help when someone raises an issue on GitHub.

I also have a TestFlight version of this branch, that I can share access to, if anyone is interested. This is the version of xdripswift that I'm using, and I'm rebasing it every once in a while so that it doesn't lag behind.