JohanDegraeve / xdripswift

xdrip for iOS, written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build script #493

Open Menno86 opened 6 months ago

Menno86 commented 6 months ago


My suggestion would be to facilitate a build script. This adds more convenience for all Xcode builders and ease of use for (new) users who lack coding knowledge.

The script could replace multiple steps of the build proces at: or it could co-exist.

I suggested this a couple of weeks ago to @paulplant on Facebook, and finally found some time.

What problem does this solve?

Not really a problem, but more extra convenience for the community of Xdrip4iOS users.

I find it charming that the built script eliminates the steps of: downloading the Config file and editing it manually. It also eliminates the step of giving the build command in terminal (.xed).

The script also neatly places all the downloaded versions of Xdrip in a folder. The second time the script is used, it is no longer needed to enter the provisioning profile code, it automatically adds this.

This script may be an easy win in terms of convenience.

The script is currently hosted by LoopandLearn and will be deleted with the next release of Loop, since they have chosen to no longer facilitate xDrip4iOS as a GCM source.

The script

Terminal command: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Of course the LoopandLearn reference needs to be adjusted to where this script will be hosted.


File with script attached in case it gets deleted:

LiroyvH commented 6 months ago

A script could be a nice addition, but should never be a replacement leading to the removal of the manual steps. They made that mistake with the iAPS docs and I hope we won't make that same poor choice here.